-----image : Google Map「大韓民国 チョルラ北道 扶安海上」より
韓国では、さらに済州島 Jeju Islandで太陽光、風力発電などの再生可能エネルギーとスマートグリッドの大規模な実験を行うことを発表しました。
プレスリリース / Ministry of Knowledge Economy(MKE),2010/11/22
・Offshore Wind Farm on the Horizon
----image("Offshore Wind Farm on the Horizon.jpg") : 同リリースより
" Offshore Wind Farm on the Horizon
As part of national efforts to grow the renewable energy industry, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy announced a plan earlier this month to establish an offshore wind farm in the southwestern part of the country. The decision followed two years of research to determine the scale of the project and a suitable location.
While the world’s capacity to generate electricity from offshore wind farms is small-only 2.9 gigawatts-many countries regard offshore wind farms as a business area that is full of potential. Europe, in particular, is at the forefront of the global move toward the development of offshore wind power facilities.
Korea is still in the initial stages of this transition. Nevertheless, there is great potential to combine wind farming with Korea’s flagship sectors?shipbuilding, heavy industries, offshore plants, construction, electricity and information technology. In this context, offshore wind farms may evolve into one of Korea’s most promising new growth engine industries.
To make Korea competitive in this area, MKE plans to allocate 9.2 trillion won for a 2,500-megawatt wind farm project in collaboration with the private sector. The project will consist of three phases: The farm is expected to begin operating in 2013 and will initially generate only 100 megawatts. By 2016, its total capacity will increase to 1,000 megawatts. It is expected to reach its target capacity by 2019.
The establishment of an offshore wind farm is a long-term endeavor that requires massive investment, and there are still many obstacles to overcome. To ensure its success, the government will set up a council composed of representatives of companies with an interest in the project. The council will make all major decisions regarding the project, and will oversee a task force in charge of its day-to-day operations. MKE is also considering whether to support the development of wind farms in other areas such as Jeju Island.
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・Smart Grid Experts Gather on Jeju Island-----Ministry of Knowledge Economy,2010/11/24
----image("Smart Grid Experts Gather on Jeju Island 2.jpg") : 上記リリースより
" Jeju Island is home to Korea’s first smart grid test bed. "
Jeju Island to Begin Smart Grid Pilot Project-----Ministry of Knowledge Economy,2009/09/03
・全羅北道 文化観光情報
・Wikipedia : 全羅北道 - 扶安郡
・韓国:2,500メガワットの洋上風力発電施設を2019年までに建設予定-----日刊 温暖化新聞、2010年11月30日
・South Korea to launch huge offshore wind project-----OffShore Wind Biz,Sep 20th, 2010
・South Korea Pledges $8.2 Billion For Offshore Wind Farms-----Green Tech - Techcrunch,Nov 1, 2010