10 Kw Solar Power Systems In Caltex Service Stations Expected Return On Outlay Is Within 3 to 5 Yrs
Tokelau Number 1 in the Pacific - IRENA
- Workshop_Accelerated_Renewable_Energy_Deployment/Session7/S7_1Forumpresentation2.pdf より
• A Tokelau Energy Policy was prepared and adopted that includes energy efficiency and renewable energy with 100% renewable energy the ultimate goal"
海洋エネルギー開発の新たな中心地となりそうな米オレゴン州のニューポートNewport 沖に、ニュージーランドのWave Energy Technology(WET-NZ)社の波力発電システムが8月の終わりに搬入され、6週間のテスト運転がまもなく始まります。
ニュージーランドのWave Energy Technology(WET-NZ)社は、ニュージーランドの波力発電開発のベンチャー企業で、2008年ころより同社の波力発電装置の実験をおこなってきました。今回、オレゴン州でテストされるのは、同社が実用モデルと位置づける40kWの半分の20kWの波力発電装置です。アメリカの大学などの参加する研究チームによりその働きが検証される予定です。
"What a day! At 1625 on Wednesday afternoon, the ORCA divers, assisted by the OSU RHIB and the F/V Enterprise, pulled the retaining pins that lock the float on the WET-NZ. The afternoon was marked by a building 15-20 knot sea breeze, 4 – 6 foot swells, and a 2 foot wind chop, but that did not deter the deployment team as they worked to connect the umbilical from the WET-NZ to the Ocean Sentinel. Led by NNMREC-OSU’s Sean Moran and NWEI’s Justin Klure, the team worked diligently to complete the task.
With the WET-NZ installed, the mooring system complete, and the umbilical to the Ocean Sentinel connected, yesterday was a huge success. A special thanks to all of the team for their hard work. Days like this can only happen with the collective talents of each person that was involved. We’d like to personally thank all of you that made this happen.
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ブイ型の波力発電機で世界をリードしているオーシャンパワー・テクノロジー Ocean Power Technologiesは、航空機&ロケット、船舶などの開発大手ロッキード・マーティン Lockheed Martin と共同で、オーストラリのアビクトリア州ポートランドにおいて、19MW規模の波力発電プロジェクトを実施すると発表しました。
"Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq: OPTT), a leading wave energy technology company, and Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT) have entered into a teaming agreement with the goal of developing a 19 megawatt wave-energy project in Portland, in the state of Victoria, Australia. This is one of the largest wave-energy projects announced to date, and leverages a grant from the Commonwealth of Australia.
For the project, Lockheed Martin will assist with the design of Ocean Power Technologies’ (OPT) PowerBuoy(R) technology, lead the production and system integration of the wave-energy converters and support overall program management. Lockheed Martin and OPT have been collaborating since 2004, first on the development of an Advanced Deployable System for the U.S. Navy and most recently to design and launch utility-scale wave energy converters off the coast of Reedsport, Oregon.
“Lockheed Martin is applying its expertise to commercialize promising, emerging alternative energy technologies,” said Dan Heller, vice president of new ventures for Lockheed Martin’s Mission Systems & Sensors business. “We see great potential in harnessing the vast power of the ocean. By working with OPT and Australian industry on this project, we will advance wave energy in Australia and globally.”
According to the World Energy Council, wave energy has the potential to produce around 2,000 terawatt hours of electricity a year, or enough power to meet 10 percent of the world’s current energy needs. In Australia, which has very attractive wave resources, this percentage could be significantly higher.
Charles F. Dunleavy, Chief Executive Officer of OPT, said, “Lockheed Martin’s commitment to alternative energy and its engineering, production, and systems integration expertise will provide momentum to our Australia initiatives, where both companies see great potential for large-scale wave energy generation. We also appreciate the Commonwealth government’s continued support of this project, which we expect to create a significant number of local jobs as we develop and maintain operations over the life of the power station.”
Funding for the project also includes a previously announced grant of A$66.5 million ($65.3 million USD) from the Commonwealth of Australia’s Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism. A Funding Deed sets out the terms of the grant, including the requirement to obtain significant additional project financing.
The project is to be developed by a special purpose Australian company, Victorian Wave Partners Pty Ltd, currently owned by Ocean Power Technologies (Australasia) Pty Ltd. The partners are assessing financing opportunities for the project and pursuing power purchase agreements with local industry and utilities.
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-----image(”Lockheed Martin and Ocean Power Technologies (OPT) are teaming up to develop a 19-megawatt wave energy generation project in Victoria for the Australian government. Using OPT’s PowerBuoy wave generation system, it is the world’s largest wave energy project announced to date. Photo courtesy OPT.”) : 上記リリースより
Renewable Energy Magazine の記事によると、オーストラリアの地熱エネルギーは、同国の石炭火力による発電を補うには十分な量、その68倍を賄いうるポテンシャルがあるとコンサルタントが分析したということです。仮にそのポテンシャルの2%程度を利用すれば、現在のオーストラリアの消費電力をカバーしうるということで、同国のエネルギーの将来像を描く上で、注目を集めそうです。
このシステムは、実際にスペインのマドリッドで実証機が建設されたこともあります。太陽の熱を地表で集め、中央のソーラータワーに集め、上昇気流によりタワー上部のタービンで発電するというものです。その後、オーストラリアのエンヴィロミッション EnviroMissionは、豪州での建設計画を温めていたようですが、今回それにアメリカの建設コンサルタント、Faithful+Gould と合同で200MWのソーラータワー建設計画を進めることになった模様です。Southern California Public Power Authorityの関連サイトによれば、地上部分の直径は1マイル(1.6km)で、ソーラータワーの高さは、2500フィート(750m)に達するということです。これまで、この計画の実現可能性に疑問をもっていた専門家も、アメリカの計画では、この巨大な建物が、単なる発電装置というだけではなく、新たな観光名所的な価値をもつことから、より高い評価が得られる可能性がでてきたとのことです。確かに、以下の動画クリップを見ると、上ってみたくなる、そこに行って見たくなるだけでなく、上ったり、当然建設されるであろう周囲の施設も訪れたくなる、そんなプラスアルファの経済効果が期待できると思いました。
" ‘Faithful+Gould Joins EnviroMission Arizona Solar Tower Team’ for EnviroMission Limited(OTCQX: EVOMY), and Faithful+Gould in the United States, follows this cover to confirm the appointment of Faithful+Gould to EnviroMission’s Arizona Solar Tower development team.
Faithful+Gould (www.fgould.com) is a North America-based construction consulting and program management
company with world renowned projects including the New York World Trade Center Redevelopment and Burj Al
Arab in Dubai.
Faithful+Gould has been selected by EnviroMission in the United States to provide local project management
and integrated commercial services for the delivery of EnviroMission’s 200MW Solar Tower development in
Technical director, Adrian Smith, for Faithful+Gould stated “the Solar Tower is a fabulous example of innovation driving sustainable solutions in the energy marketplace and is a perfect match with Faithful+Gould’s deep routed passion for sustainability in design.”
Faithful+Gould’s President & Managing Director of North America, Paul Wood, said “by combining our
local expertise with our worldwide reach, Faithful+Gould is able to provide unrivaled commercial
management and project management services across the globe to support this unique project.” "
" ‘EnviroMission Signs Hensel Phelps as US Solar Tower Contractor’ for EnviroMission Limited(OTCQX: EVOMY), and Hensel Phelps Construction Co. follows this cover to confirm the appointment of Hensel Phelps to EnviroMission’s Arizona Solar Tower development team.
Hensel Phelps is an employee owned construction management, design builder and general contracting company, established in the United States in 1937 with over 2,100 employees today and annual construction revenues exceeding US $3 Billion, and bonding capacity that exceeds US $5 Billion.
Subject to mutual agreement of the project schedule and Guaranteed Maximum Price, Hensel Phelps will be contracted to deliver the Construction Phase Services for the first 200MW Solar Tower power station development in La Paz, Arizona.
Hensel Phelps, Western District Manager and Vice President, Steve Grauer, stated “Hensel Phelps is excited to be the builder and a collaborative team member for EnviroMission’s unique and innovative Solar Tower in Arizona.”
“Hensel Phelps has assigned a dedicated team to the project and has the Board’s commitment of all
corporate resources to support the successful completion of the project and will assume all of our preconstruction expenditures through the close of project financing,” Mr. Grauer said. ”
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太陽エネルギー利用計画に乗り出すことを自ら発表しました。オーストラリア政府が進める、「Solar Flagships Program ソーラー・フラグシッププログラム」の一環として、総額10億ドルに対して、政府がその4分の3以上(AUD$750 million)を提供するとのことです。
クインズランド州のChinchilla チンチラに、 Areva Solar主体のSolar Dawn consortiumが250MWのトラフ式太陽熱発電所を建設します。このシステムは、ガス火力との複合発電所( solar thermal gas hybrid power plant )となります。
さらに、サウスウェールズ州のMoree モーリーに、BP Solar主体のMoree Solar Farm consortiumが150Wpの太陽光発電所を建設します。いずれも世界最大規模の太陽エネルギー利用発電所となります。両プロジェクトは、2015年に完成し、オーストラリアが進めようとする太陽エネルギー利用計画の”第一弾”として、その期待される役割を担うことになります。
" Prime Minister, Minister for Resources and Energy
The Federal Government will provide more than three quarters of a billion dollars to help build two of the largest solar power stations in the world.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson today announced the record funding to support construction of the solar projects at Chinchilla in Queensland and Moree in New South Wales.
Solar Dawn and Moree Solar Farm have been selected as the two successful consortiums to build the power plants under Round 1 of the Australian Government’s $1.5 billion Solar Flagships program.
Together, the projects are expected to generate enough power to support the electricity needs of more than 115,000 Australian homes per year.
The Solar Dawn consortium, led by Areva Solar, will build a 250 megawatt (MW) solar thermal gas hybrid power plant near Chinchilla.
Solar Dawn will be one of the largest power plants of its kind in the world as well as one of the most environmentally responsible.
At least 85 per cent of Solar Dawn’s power generation will be entirely emissions free.
During construction, Solar Dawn estimates the project will generate $570 million in economic activity in the region and create 300 jobs on average.
The Moree Solar Farm consortium, led by BP Solar will build a 150 MW photovoltaic power plant near Moree.
This is nearly twice the size of any photovoltaic power plant operating in the world today.
It is estimated that the project will create on average around 300 jobs during construction.
Work will commence next year and the plants are expected to be completed and commissioned by the end of 2015.
Together, Solar Dawn and the Moree Solar Farm will bring Australia closer to a cleaner energy future.
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東芝、ニュージーランドのテミヒ地熱発電所向け2基の8.3万キロワット級タービン、発電機、復水器を受注2012年の納品を予定。ニュージーランドの受け入れ先のコンタクトエナジー社は、50年前に建設された、55MWのWairakei Power Stationを運営してきた実績がある。この老朽化しつつあるWairakei Power Stationは、今回建設される、テミヒ地熱発電所 Te Mihi Power Plant の二つの83MWの地熱発電所にその役目をシフトする予定だということです。
コンタクトエナジー社の資料[ www.contactenergy.co.nz/
environmental/Geothermal_brochure.pdf&pli=1 ]によると、ニュージーランドは、エネルギー総需要の5%、電力消費量の実に7%を地熱発電で賄っている地熱発電所であるということです。先の2月26日のM6.3のニュージーランド大地震、大きな被害がでたクライストチャーチは、復興に10年を要するとされています。同じ地震国であるニュージーランドが、地震国であることの”可能性”を生かすことを選択している地熱、今後ますます注目を集めそうです。ちなみに、ニュージーランドは、核爆弾および原子力発電所に関しては、1987年に核を捨て Nuclear Free Zone 宣言をしています。核武装の傘にも依存せず、核の平和利用といわれる原子力発電所も選択しなかった見識は、同じ火山国として日本の現状に一定のヒントを与えてくれそうです。
" ..........In 1987, the New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act was passede. This was largely a symbolic statement of opposition to nuclear war and weapons testing, and it prevented the visits by nuclear-propelled or nuclear-armed vessels (primarily US ones). The New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone established under the Act does not ban land-based nuclear power plants.
Electricity options
In the October 2007, the government published its New Zealand Energy Strategy to 2050, which included a target for renewable sources to provide 90% of electricity generation by 2025.2 However, following the 2008 general election, the new Minister of Energy and Resources announced that the country's energy strategy would be updated3. The draft replacement strategy, published by the Ministry of Economic Development in July 20104, retains the "aspirational, but achievable" target of 90% renewables by 2025. No mention of nuclear power is made in the draft strategy.
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