
 European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA)の最新の発表によると世界の太陽光発電施設の総発電能力が、1億キロワットの大台を超えたとのことです。100GW超!ということです。原発16基分(原発1基100万kW-稼働率80%弱、太陽光発電の稼働率12%強とした場合)に相当する電力を供給できる能力をようやく手にいれたということです。

 今回のこの30GW中13GWがヨーロッパ外での積み上げで、同じ数字が2011年には11GWであったことを考えると、市場の非ヨーロッパシフトが進んでいることがわかります。2012年度の欧州トップ3は、ドイツ(7.6 GW)、イタリア(3.3GW)、フランス(1.2GW)でした。世界では、中国が少なくとも3.5GW、さらに場合によっては4.5GW程度を、アメリカ(3.2GW)、日本(2.5GW)、と積み上げています。

プレスリリース / European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) ,11 February 2013
Press Releases / World’s solar photovoltaic capacity passes 100-gigawatt landmark after strong year

" The world’s cumulative solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity capacity surpassed 100 gigawatts (GW) in 2012, achieving just over 101 GW, according to new market figures from the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA). This global capacity to harness the power of the sun produces as much electricity energy in a year as 16 coal power plants or nuclear reactors of 1 GW each. Each year, the world’s PV installations reduce CO2 emissions by 53 million tons.
”Solar photovoltaic market continues to grow in Europe and around the world
The European Photovoltaic Industry Association’s (EPIA) new Market Report 2011 shows important increase in grid-connected capacity of PV systems, but changing economics will require development of new markets in the world

BRUSSELS, 24 January 2012 – The world-wide solar photovoltaic (PV) market continued to grow in 2011
even in the midst of financial and economic crisis, with new grid-connected PV capacities rising by 27.7 GW and propelling the global PV capacity from 39.7 GW at the end of 2010 to 67.4 GW at the end of 2011.
Almost 21 GW of this growth occurred in Europe.
The number of markets reaching more than 1 GW of additional capacity during 2011 rose from 3 to 6. In
2010 the top 3 markets were Germany, Italy and the Czech Republic; in 2011 Italy leads the ranks and
Germany, China, the USA, France and Japan follow, each with over 1 GW of new capacity. Those are
among the key findings of EPIA’s new “Market Report 2011”, which assesses PV’s development in all major markets around the world.
Europe still accounts for the predominant share of the global PV market, the report finds, with 75% of all new
capacity in 2011. The two biggest markets in 2011, Italy and Germany, account for nearly 60% of global
market growth during the past year.
But the report also notes that in coming years it will be crucial for the PV industry to develop new markets.
“The PV industry is at a crossroads,” said EPIA President Ingmar Wilhelm. “Whilst European markets have
always outpaced home production, this will presumably no longer be the case in the years to come. New markets around the world will have to be opened up to drive PV development in the coming decade just as
Europe accounted for it during the last decade.“
Added Mr Wilhelm, “Strengthening the PV momentum by adding additional markets of important growth can
be considered the single most important achievement on the continued growth track of world-wide PV
development. And yet, many markets – in particular China, the USA and Japan, but also Australia and India
– have addressed only a very small part of their enormous potential. Moreover, several countries from large
sunbelt regions like Africa, the Middle East, Asia and South America are on the brink of starting their
Among the key statistics of the report:
 Total installed PV capacity world-wide reached 67.4 GW at the end of 2011. PV is now, after hydro
and wind power, the third most important renewable energy source in terms of globally installed capacity.
 The growth rate of PV during 2011 reached 70%, an outstanding level among all renewable technologies.
 The total energy output of the world’s PV capacity run over a calendar year is equal to some 80 billion kWh. This energy volume is sufficient to cover the annual power supply needs of over 20 million households in the world.
 In Europe, over 50 GW of PV systems were installed at the end of 2011. With growing contributions from Southern European countries, the average load factor of this capacity is increasing and will produce over 60 billion kWh on an annual basis, enough energy to supply over 15 million European
.......... "

EPIA : Publications

"Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics until 2016

Date : May 2012
Download the Report
The "Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics until 2016" assesses the European and global markets for PV in 2011, and makes forecasts for the next five years. Solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity continued its remarkable growth trend in 2011, even in the midst of a financial and economic crisis and even as the PV industry was enduring a period of consolidation. As they have for the past decade, PV markets again grew faster than anyone had expected both in Europe and around the world. "

EPIA : Key Facts & Figures

Covering just 0.7% of Europe's total land with photovoltaic modules would provide 100% of the continent's electricity needs.
Photovoltaics can play an important role in insuring Europe’s security of energy supply.

週刊GreenPost 62号 2013/2/25-3/1日版 しなやかな技術研究会 P.4


続きを読む "EPIA発表、世界の太陽光発電の設備容量が100GWp超!"

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"  Country-End 2008-New 2009-Total end 2009 [MW]  中国- 12,104 - 13,000 - 25,104  アメリカ - 25,237 - 9,922 - 35,159 スペイン - 16,689 - 2,459 - 19,149  ドイツ - 23,903 - 1,917 - 25,777 インド - 9,655 - 1,271 - 10,926  イタリア - 3,736 - 1,114 - 4,850 フランス - 3,404 - 1,088 - 4,492 イギリス - 2,974 - 1,077 - 4,051 カナダ - 2,369 - 950 - 3,319  ポルトガル- 2,862 - 673 - 3,535 "
-----Global installed wind power capacity 2008/2009 (MW)[Annex with tables and graphs(pdf)]より

Global wind power boom continues despite economic woes China doubles installed capacity for fifth year running ? Global markets up 31%-----Global Wind Energy Council(GWEC),3 February 2010

" The Global Wind Energy Council today announced that the world’s wind power capacity grew by 31% in 2009, adding 37.5 GW to bring total installations up to 157.9 GW. A third of these additions were made in China, which experienced yet another year of over 100% growth.
.......... "


1月の中国電力消費量、前年比40.14%増=国家エネルギー局-----Reuters,2010年 02月 12日


twilog greenpost : #renewchina

China takes the lead in wind energy development


China adds wind-power capacity-----ReutersVideo,2009年09月23日

-----カテゴリー : 中国-----


続きを読む "GWECの報告、中国、2009年度実績でアメリカを抜き世界一に。合計設備容量でもスペインを抜き、アメリカ、ドイツに次ぐ世界第三位に"

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