IEAは、「The Power of Transformation - Wind, Sun and the Economics of Flexible Power Systems」(”エネルギーの転換”)と題したリポートを発表、再生可能エネルギーへの転換を進める国々、世界の姿を描くことでエネルギー革命を予測。化石燃料代替の盟主は、原子力から再生可能エネルギーになる。
IEA(国際エネルギー機関 International Energy Agency)の予想は、これまでそれほど当たらないとの指摘もあるが、今回のリポートでは、”当たる”といわれるBPのリポートの内容を踏襲する形で、再生可能エネルギーの利用が進む世界の姿を描き出したように思います。
プレスリリース / IEA,26 February 2014
・Any country can reach high shares of wind, solar power cost-effectively, study shows
-----image : 同リリースより「The Power of Transformation - Wind, Sun and the Economics of Flexible Power Systems」カバー
" Transformation of power systems is necessary to guarantee flexibility over long term, but this will be more difficult in some markets than in othersWind power and solar photovoltaics (PV) are crucial to meeting future energy needs while decarbonising the power sector. Deployment of both technologies has expanded rapidly in recent years – one of the few bright spots in an otherwise-bleak picture of clean energy progress – and IEA scenarios indicate that this trend will continue for decades. However, the inherent variability of wind power and solar PV is raising concerns: Can power systems remain reliable and cost-effective while supporting high shares of variable renewable energy (VRE)? And if so, how?
A landmark study released today by the International Energy Agency addresses these concerns and confirms that integrating high shares – i.e., 30 percent of annual electricity production or more – of wind and solar PV in power systems can come at little additional cost in the long term. However, costs depend on how flexible the system currently is and what strategy is adopted to develop system flexibility over the long term. Managing this transition will be more difficult for some countries or power systems than others, the study says.
“Integrating high shares of variable renewables is really about transforming our power systems,” IEA Executive Director Maria van der Hoeven said as she launched The Power of Transformation - Wind, Sun and the Economics of Flexible Power Systems, the latest in a series of IEA reports shedding light on the challenges and opportunities of integrating VRE into power systems globally.
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・「The Power of Transformation - Wind, Sun and the Economics of Flexible Power Systems」-----the executive summary(PDF)
By 2018 we estimate wind/solar generation: Denmark 45%, Ireland 30%, Portugal 25%, Germany 20%, Spain 20%, Italy 15%
— IEA (@IEA) March 3, 2014
・Wikipedia : Variable renewable energy(出力変動型再生可能エネルギー)
-----image(”Figure 3.1 Generation mix of case study power systems, 2012 : Overview of GIVAR III case study power system properties”) : IEA : The Power of Transformation - Illustrationsより
・BP Energy Outlook 2035 リリース。”化石”依存と限界を背景に、再生可能エネルギーは拡大せざるをえない-----ソフトエネルギー、2014/01/20
・米国立再生可能エネルギー研究所 National Renewable Energy Laboratory、電力網は従来の研究よりも不安定化の恐れなく大量の再生可能エネルギーを受け入れることができるという研究成果を発表-----ソフトエネルギー、2010/07/09
・環境省 : 低炭素社会づくりのためのエネルギーの低炭素化に向けた提言
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