« 王子ホールディングス、北海道江別市の25MWバイオマス発電事業計画を発表 | トップページ | 世界最大のミラー集光式392MW太陽熱発電所 Ivanpah Solar を見てみよう ! »

フライホィール”蓄電”のBeacon Power、復活ののろし。ペンシルバニアで20MWのプラント建設へ

 2011年に一度は会社更生法の手続きに入ったフライホィールのBeacon Powerがペンシルバニアで20MWのプラント建設へ動きだしました。

フライホィールのBeacon Powerが米連邦倒産法第11章に基づく、会社更生手続きに入ったことを明らかにしました-----ソフトエネルギー、2011/11/03

2012年2月にエネルギー関連の投資会社であるRockland Capitalに買収されたことで、発電事業用のフライホィールによる”蓄電”事業が継続されることになりました。ペンシルバニアで導入されることになった 20 MWのフライホィールシステムは、2014年には運転開始される予定です。
 まずは、かねてから注目していたBeacon Powerの動向をお知らせさせていただきます。

プレスリリース / Beacon Power,June 21, 2013
2013 News Releases / Beacon Power Installs First Flywheels at Pennsylvania Energy Storage Plant

"Officials cite benefitsforimproved grid stability and renewable energy expansion at commencement ceremony

Beacon Power, LLC,the world’sleading manufacturer of grid‐scale flywheel energy storage systems, wasjoined today by federal,state and local officials at a ceremony inHazle Township, PA,signaling the start offlywheel installations and full‐scale construction forthe company’s 20‐megawatt(MW)flywheel energy storage plant atthe site. Attendees and speakers atthe eventincludedU.S. Congressman Lou Barletta – Pennsylvania 11th District;Dr. ImreGyuk – Program Managerfor Energy Storage attheU.S.Department of Energy; William Goldsworthy –DeputyDirector, PennsylvaniaGovernor Thomas Corbett'sNortheast RegionalOffice; State SenatorJohn Yudichak; State Representatives Tarah Toohil and Mike Carroll, and Commissioner WayneGardner – Pennsylvania PublicUtilities Commission.
Attendees atthe commencement ceremony witnessed installation ofthe first ofthe plant’s 200 flywheelmodules. The first 4megawatts(MW) of energy storage are scheduled to enter commercial operation in the PJM Interconnection grid systemin September, with the full 20 MW plant operational during the 2nd quarter of 2014.

“PJM continuesto welcome new technologiesthat provide diversity to the assetmix in PJM, as well as
an opportunity to provide frequency regulation service,” said Terry Boston, CEOand president of PJM
Interconnection. “This will be the firstflywheeltechnology placed into ourregulationmarket.”

Flywheel Energy Storage and Frequency Regulation
Frequency regulation is an essential grid reliability service thatis performed to correctshort‐term unpredictable imbalancesin electricity supply and demand.On the power grid,supply of electricitymust match demand tomaintain frequency at 60Hz. Beacon’s 20 MW flywheel plant providesfrequency regulation services by absorbing electricity fromthe grid when there istoomuch, and storing it as kinetic energy.When there is not enough powertomeet demand,the flywheelsinject energy back into the grid. These cycles can occurmultiple timesin time periods asshort as oneminute.
The Beacon flywheelfacility provides a fast, accurate and reliable response to grid changesthatsystem operators need to increase systemefficiency and power quality. Furthermore,flywheels offer a long assetlife with no degradation of performance, as well asthe ability tomove energy in and out ofthe gridmanymore timesthan othertechnologies, which contributesto low life‐cycle cost and high‐quality service. To date, Beacon’sflywheels have accumulatedmore than 3.5million operating hours.
Barry Brits, Beacon president and CEO,said, “We are excited to bemoving forward with another commercial installation thatshowcasesthe performance and durability of ourflywheel energy storage systemsin providing frequency regulation service. Customersin Pennsylvania and other electricity users in the PJM Interconnection will benefitfromgreater overallsystemefficiency and lower costs. In addition,since flywheelsrecycle surplus electricity tomaintain power quality and stability on the grid without burning fuel or producing greenhouse gases,theHazle facility also contributesto a cleaner environment.”
.......... "


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« 王子ホールディングス、北海道江別市の25MWバイオマス発電事業計画を発表 | トップページ | 世界最大のミラー集光式392MW太陽熱発電所 Ivanpah Solar を見てみよう ! »




この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: フライホィール”蓄電”のBeacon Power、復活ののろし。ペンシルバニアで20MWのプラント建設へ:

« 王子ホールディングス、北海道江別市の25MWバイオマス発電事業計画を発表 | トップページ | 世界最大のミラー集光式392MW太陽熱発電所 Ivanpah Solar を見てみよう ! »