The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013 が公開されました。2012の原発、前年比7%の減少
2012年に原子力発電所が発電した電力は、2,346 TWh(2兆3460億kWh)でした。これは前年から7%もの歴史的な減少となりました。しかし、重要な点は原子力発電所による発電電力が最大を示したのは、2011年3月11日よりもはるか前の2006年であったという事実です。2006年よりすでに、原子力発電への依存度は下がり始めていたのです。そこに起きた、あってはならない第二の苛酷事故が福島第一だったということです。これにより、ピークの2006年の2,660 TWh(2兆6600億kWh)から考えると、12%もの減少となります。
このリポートを発行したのは、これまで原子力発電とその産業に係わるリサーチなどを行ってきたMycle Schneider Consultingで、分析にはフランスや英国、日本の国際調査チームが参加し、日本からは京都精華大の細川弘明教授が参加しています。リポートのタイトルは、「The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013 世界原子力産業年刊 2013 」です。
・The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013 - Executive summary & conclusions(Mycle Schneider Consulting,11 July 2013)-----The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013 low resolution (3.6Mb),High Resolution (10.6Mb)
-----image(”上-The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013カバー - by:Mycle Schneider,Antony Froggatt,with:Komei Hosokawa,Steve Thomas,Yukio Yamaguchi,Julie Hazemann, foreword:Peter Bradford ,A Mycle Schneider Consulting Project,p.140,Paris, London, Kyoto, July 2013,Artwork: Anna Jeretic 、下-Figure 1: Nuclear Electricity Generation in the World Source : IAEA-PRIS, BP, MSC, 2013”) : 上記サイトより-----
"Two years after the Fukushima disaster started unfolding on 11 March 2011, its impact on the global nuclear industry has become increasingly visible. Global electricity generation from nuclear plants dropped by a historic 7 percent in 2012, adding to the record drop of 4 percent in 2011. This World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013 (WNISR) provides a global overview of the history, the current status and the trends of nuclear power programs worldwide.This report looks at nuclear reactor units in operation and under construction. Annex 1 provides 40 pages of detailed country-by-country information. A specific chapter assesses the situation in potential newcomer countries. For the second time, the report looks at the credit-rating performance of some of the major nuclear companies and utilities. A more detailed chapter on the development patterns of renewable energies versus nuclear power is also included. Annex 6 provides an overview table with key data on the world nuclear industry by country.
The 2013 edition of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report also includes an update on nuclear economics as well as an overview of the status, on-site and off-site, of the challenges triggered by the Fukushima disaster. However, this report’s emphasis on recent post-Fukushima developments should not obscure an important fact: as previous editions (see detail, the world nuclear industry already faced daunting challenges long before Fukushima, just as the U.S. nuclear power industry had largely collapsed before the 1979 Three Mile Island accident. The nuclear promoters’ invention that a global nuclear renaissance was flourishing until 3/11 is equally false: Fukushima only added to already grave problems, starting with poor economics.
The performance of the nuclear industry over the year from July 2012 to July 2013 can be summed up as follows:
Operation and Construction Data
(1 July 2013)
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プレスリリース / prnewswire版、July 10, 2013
・"The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013" to be Released
"The Report sets forth in painstaking detail the actual experience and achievements of nuclear energy around the world," writes Peter Bradford, former commissioner of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in his foreword to the 140-page reference document. In addition to the careful assessment of the global industry, this year's report also contains chapters on nuclear economics and an overview of the status of the ongoing Fukushima crisis. Key findings of the 2013 edition include:
A record drop of nuclear electricity generation in the world in 2012.
Rapid aging of nuclear power plants: almost half of the world fleet has operated for at least 30 years.
In 2012, for the first time, China, Germany, India and Japan generated more power from renewables than from nuclear plants.
Water management at the Fukushima site is critical, with an estimated 400,000 tons in precarious storage, containing many times more radioactivity than was released to the air in the weeks after 11 March 2011.
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・世界の原発発電量、12年6.8%減-----Sankei Biz,2013.7.12
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コメ- 日本の報道は、7%ではなく、すべて6.8%になっている。ソースが共通のようですね、、、???
・Global nuclear power output drops 7% in 2012: status report-----platts,11Jul2013
・Wikipedia : マイケル・シュナイダー
”Fukushima – A Status Report 61
Characteristics of the Fukushima Disaster 61
Off-site Challenges: Evacuation, Decontamination 62
Current Status of Fukushima Daiichi 1–4 64
Wave or Shake? 66
On-site Challenges: Water, Waste, Radiation 68
Summary and Prospects 71
Nuclear Power vs. Renewable Energy 73
Investment 73
Installed Capacity 75
Electricity Generation 76”
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