« 兵庫県は、下水処理場2ヶ所に各500kWpの自家消費用太陽光発電を設備 | トップページ | 米風力事業会社 インべナジ― Invenergy、日本進出に向け事業会社を設立 »

アメリカエネルギー省とNRELは、再エネと送電網の統合をめざし、新たな研究センター ESIF を開設

 アメリカエネルギー省(DOE)と国立再生可能エネルギー研究所(NREL)は、コロラドのゴールデンのNRELの施設に隣接した敷地に、新たにエネルギーシステム統合研究センター(ESIF : Energy Systems Integration Facility)を建設したと発表しました。


プレスリリース / Energy Department and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) ,June 20, 2013
Energy Department, NREL Announce New Research Center to Boost Clean Energy Technologies on a Smarter Grid

"The Energy Department and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) today announced the Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF) in Golden, Colorado, as the latest Energy Department user facility and the only one in the nation focused on utility-scale clean energy grid integration. The facility’s first industry partner – Colorado-based Advanced Energy Industries – has already signed on to start work at ESIF, developing lower cost, better performing solar power inverters.

Energy Systems Integration Facility – DOE’s Newest User Facility

Located at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s campus in Golden, Colorado, the 182,500-square-foot Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF) is the nation’s first facility to help both public and private sector researchers scale-up promising clean energy technologies – from solar modules and wind turbines to electric vehicles and efficient, interactive home appliances – and test how they interact with each other and the grid at utility-scale.

ESIF will house more than 15 experimental laboratories and several outdoor test beds, including an interactive hardware-in-the-loop system that lets researchers and manufacturers test their products at full power and real grid load levels. The facility will also feature a petascale supercomputer that can support large-scale modeling and simulation at one quadrillion operations per second.

The Energy Systems Integration Facility is aimed at overcoming generation, transmission, distribution and end-use challenges to support a cleaner, affordable and more secure U.S. energy mix, including research into next generation building technologies, microgrids, energy storage batteries and utility-scale renewable energy. As the cost of clean energy technologies continues to come down, seamless and efficient grid integration will help make these resources and products even more affordable, while giving Americans more control over how they use energy in their homes and businesses.
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・NREL : Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF)
-----image : 上記サイトより

"Unique Capabilities
Hardware-in-the-Loop at Megawatt-Scale Power: Megawatt-scale power-in-the-loop allows researchers and manufacturers to conduct integration tests at full power and actual load levels in real-time simulations and evaluate component and system performance before going to market.

High Performance Computing Data Center: Petascale computing at the High Performance Computing Data Center enables unprecedented large-scale modeling and simulation of material properties, processes, and fully integrated systems that would otherwise be too expensive, too dangerous, or even impossible to study by direct experimentation.

Uniquely Connected: Each lab in the ESIF has its own niche with different kinds of equipment and functionality fostering research on all aspects of energy integration. The Research Electrical Distribution Bus, the ultimate power integration circuit, is made up of two AC and two DC ring buses that connect multiple sources of energy and interconnect "plug-and-play" testing components in all the labs.

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System: Integrated throughout the ESIF, a SCADA system monitors and controls the Research Electrical Distribution Bus operations and safety and gathers real-time, high-resolution data for collaboration and visualization.

Data Analysis and Visualization: Analysis and visualization capabilities at the ESIF go beyond what is found in a typical utility operations center. Fully integrated with hardware-in-the-loop at power capabilities, an electrical distribution bus, a SCADA system, and petascale computing, the ESIF allows researchers and NREL partners to visualize complex systems and operations in a completely virtual environment."

-----image : Google マップで、Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF, Golden,CO.) を見る


Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF)



National Renewable Energy Laboratory : Western Wind and Solar Integration Study

Key Findings
The integration of 35% wind and solar energy into the electric power system will not require extensive infrastructure if changes are made to operational practices.

Wind and solar energy displace fossil fuels. A 35% penetration of solar and wind power would reduce fuel costs by 40% and carbon emissions by 25%–45%—the rough equivalent of taking 22–36 million cars off the road—compared to today's system.

Increasing the size of the geographic area over which the wind and solar resources are drawn substantially reduces variability.

Scheduling generation and interchanges subhourly reduces the need for fast reserves.

Using wind and solar forecasts in utility operations reduces operating costs by up to 14%.

Existing transmission capacity can be better used. This will reduce new transmission needs.

Demand response programs can provide flexibility that enables the electric power system to more easily integrate wind and solar—and may be cheaper than alternatives.
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米国立再生可能エネルギー研究所 National Renewable Energy Laboratory、電力網は従来の研究よりも不安定化の恐れなく大量の再生可能エネルギーを受け入れることができるという研究成果を発表-----ソフトエネルギー、2010/07/09

NREL Offers up to $6.5 Million for INTEGRATE Projects at the ESIF-----NREL,May 22, 2014

".....draft EERE Grid Integration Multi-Year PlanPDF
Through this RFP, NREL intends to support development and validation of technologies under three topics:

Topic 1 – Connected Devices
Topic 2 – Communication and Control Systems
Topic 3 – Integrated Systems
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米国立再生可能エネルギー研究所(NREL)が複数のレイヤーを重ねることでポテンシャルがわかる RE Atlas を発表-----ソフトエネルギー、2012/03/01

米国立再生可能エネルギー研究所(NREL)、CPV 集光型太陽光発電システム AMONIX 7700の劇的な進化をアピール-----ソフトエネルギー、2011/03/09


NREL Solar Cell Sets World Efficiency Record at 40.8 Percent / プレスリリース NREL- U.S.DOE -(宇宙空間用太陽電池セル変換効率40.8%を達成)-----ソフトエネルギー、2008/08/21


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« 兵庫県は、下水処理場2ヶ所に各500kWpの自家消費用太陽光発電を設備 | トップページ | 米風力事業会社 インべナジ― Invenergy、日本進出に向け事業会社を設立 »




この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: アメリカエネルギー省とNRELは、再エネと送電網の統合をめざし、新たな研究センター ESIF を開設:

« 兵庫県は、下水処理場2ヶ所に各500kWpの自家消費用太陽光発電を設備 | トップページ | 米風力事業会社 インべナジ― Invenergy、日本進出に向け事業会社を設立 »