MIT Technology Reviewの記事によると、GEは蓄電池付き最新型2.5MW風力発電機を開発し、すでに実際に運用が開始されているとのことです。再生可能エネルギーの”発電のきまぐれさ”は、既存の送電線の秩序に対して害悪であるとの見解は、特に日本では古くから信じられている話です。しかし、風力発電や太陽光発電の容量が増大しても、適切に手当てすることで、発電容量の数割(3割り強)までは、蓄電池などのバックアップは必ずしも必要ではない、という見解も再エネ比率が日本よりも高いドイツやアメリカではあります。
この疑問にMIT Technology Reviewの下の記事は応える内容を提供してくれます。
・Wind Turbines, Battery Included, Can Keep Power Supplies Stable-----MIT Technology Review,May 7, 2013
今回、GEは、3台のバッテリー付きの風力発電機を、同社初めてのケースとして納品している。具体的には、新設の Invenergy社のテキサスの風力発電所に3台のバッテリー付きの2.5MW風力発電機(2.5 - 120 Wind Turbine)が納品されました。
プレスリリース / GE, May 1, 2013
・Invenergy to Install GE’s First Brilliant Wind Turbine with Integrated Battery Software Applications
Shifting the Winds in Your Favor with Energy Storage
(GE Renewables,2013/04/30)
"・Invenergy to Feature Three Brilliant 2.5-120 Turbines as Part of an 86 GE Turbine Installation at New Texas Wind Project Site・New Brilliant Wind Turbine Is First to Integrate Battery Applications into the Turbine System
・Three Powerful Software Applications Work with the Battery to Enable Short-Term Predictable Power and to Enhance Revenue Potential for Customers
GE (NYSE: GE) and Invenergy announced today the purchase of the first 2.5-120 brilliant wind turbines in the world. Invenergy has ordered three units as part of an 86-turbine deal with GE for its Mills County, Texas, wind farm. The 2.5-120, announced in January, harnesses the power of the Industrial Internet to analyze tens of thousands of data points every second. This helps manage wind variability and provides reliable, short-term predictable power, while communicating seamlessly with neighboring turbines, service technicians and operators.
New Configuration Enables Operators to Capture the Wind for Short-Term Energy Storage
The 2.5-120 is the first wind turbine to incorporate short-term battery storage as part of the complete turbine package. Integrating the battery into the wind turbine allows wind farm operators to reap the benefits of energy storage without the high costs of farm-level battery storage installation. This revolutionary design integrates GE’s advanced Durathon Battery technology with three software applications (apps). The resulting intelligent system enables power producers and the wind turbines themselves to make data-informed decisions and provide short-term predictable power.
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・Better Computer Models Needed for Mega Wind Farms-----MIT Technology Review,April 17, 2013
・GE Energy : Wind Turbines - Wind Energy Storage
-----image : 上記サイトより
・GE Energy : Wind Turbines - 2.5 - 120 Wind Turbine
-----image : 上記サイトより
・National Renewable Energy Laboratory : Western Wind and Solar Integration Study
Key Findings
The integration of 35% wind and solar energy into the electric power system will not require extensive infrastructure if changes are made to operational practices.Wind and solar energy displace fossil fuels. A 35% penetration of solar and wind power would reduce fuel costs by 40% and carbon emissions by 25%–45%—the rough equivalent of taking 22–36 million cars off the road—compared to today's system.
Increasing the size of the geographic area over which the wind and solar resources are drawn substantially reduces variability.
Scheduling generation and interchanges subhourly reduces the need for fast reserves.
Using wind and solar forecasts in utility operations reduces operating costs by up to 14%.
Existing transmission capacity can be better used. This will reduce new transmission needs.
Demand response programs can provide flexibility that enables the electric power system to more easily integrate wind and solar—and may be cheaper than alternatives.
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・米国立再生可能エネルギー研究所 National Renewable Energy Laboratory、電力網は従来の研究よりも不安定化の恐れなく大量の再生可能エネルギーを受け入れることができるという研究成果を発表-----ソフトエネルギー、2010/07/09
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