【ホンダエナジー・ド・ブラジル・リミターダ(Honda Energy do Brasil Ltda.) 概要】
会社名:Honda Energy do Brasil Ltda.
出資比率:Honda Automoveis do Brasil Ltda. 99.99%、その他 0.01%
設置タービン数:9機(1機の最大出力 3メガワット/時間)
発電容量:最大出力 27メガワット/時間(9機合計)
"DOE, Ormat and GeothermEx Collaboration Produces Electricity Using In-field EGS
Ormat Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: ORA), the U.S. Department of Energy and GeothermEx successfully produced 1.7 additional megawatts from an Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) project inside an existing wellfield in the U.S. This is the first EGS project to be connected to the electricity grid. Using innovative subsurface technologies, research and development teams stimulated an existing sub-commercial injection well resulting in a 38 percent increase in power output from brine at Ormat’s Desert Peak 2 geothermal power plant in the Brady complex, Churchill County, Nev.
Support for the project included $5.4 million in direct DOE funding, $2.6 in million investment from Ormat, and more than four years of collaborative work with partners including Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S. Geological Survey, Sandia National Laboratory, University of Utah EGI, Temple University and TerraTek.
By expanding existing hydrothermal fractures deep within the Earth’s crust, EGS technology enhances the permeability of underperforming wells, making it possible to extract additional heat from a reservoir’s rocks and inject geothermal fluid at higher flow rates. Ormat’s air-cooled power plants are the technology of choice for EGS developments, as they don’t consume water in the conversion of energy into electricity; all the geothermal fluid is re-injected, to be produced again after heating in the reservoir.
“This research and development project was conducted under a stringent induced seismicity protocol developed by LBNL and the Department of Energy. We achieved an increased injection rate up to 1,600 gallons per minute without consuming or discharging water at the surface and using only existing geothermal brine returned to the original aquifer,” explained Lucien Bronicki, founder and chief technology officer for Ormat. “Our objective in the Desert Peak EGS project was to demonstrate that this technology can have a significant impact on sub-commercial wells. This could enable us to use unproductive wells to generate more power and new revenue.”
“DOE’s Geothermal Technologies Office is changing geothermal development in the U.S.,” Bronicki added.
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"As part of the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above energy strategy, the Energy Department today recognized the nation’s first commercial enhanced geothermal system (EGS) project to supply electricity to the grid. Based in Churchill County, Nevada, Ormat Technologies’ Desert Peak 2 EGS project has increased power output of its nearby operating geothermal field by nearly 38 percent – providing an additional 1.7 megawatts of power to the grid and validating this emerging clean energy technology.
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インドのデリーで開催されたClean Energy Ministerial Meeting 2013で、開催国としてインドのマンモハン・シン首相は、2017年に同国の再生可能エネルギーへの取り組みを倍にする声明を発表しました。Clean Energy Ministerial Meetingは、4月17-18日にデリーで開催され、日本政府からも代表が参加しています。(誰だろう?調べてもわからなかった、、、。昨年のロンドンでの参加者の写真。 続報菅原経済産業副大臣が出席されたとのことです。)
今回このイベントで、IEAの「Tracking Clean Energy Progress 2013」が公開されました。今回のリポートでは、世界のクリーンエネルギーへの取り組みは、十分ではなく、各国の取り組みの停滞が指摘されています。ざっと読んだ感じをまとめると、新興国で再生可能エネルギーや省エネへの取り組みが増加したことは評価できる。また、太陽光発電と風力発電の増加、各国の取り組みも評価できるが、全体としては、温暖化効果ガスの具体的な減少という成果にはつながっていないということです。
"Renewable technologies and greater efforts by emerging economies are among few bright spots cited in report for Clean Energy Ministerial
The rapid expansion of renewable technologies is one of the few bright spots in an otherwise bleak assessment of global progress towards low-carbon energy, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in an annual report to the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) here today.
“The drive to clean up the world’s energy system has stalled,” IEA Executive Director Maria van der Hoeven told the CEM, which brings together ministers representing countries responsible for four-fifths of global greenhouse-gas emissions. “Despite much talk by world leaders, and despite a boom in renewable energy over the last decade, the average unit of energy produced today is basically as dirty as it was 20 years ago.”
To illustrate this inertia, the report, Tracking Clean Energy Progress, introduces the Energy Sector Carbon Intensity Index (ESCII), which shows how much carbon dioxide is emitted, on average, to provide a given unit of energy. The ESCII stood at 2.39 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of oil equivalent (tCO2/toe) in 1990, and had barely moved by 2010, holding at 2.37 tCO2/toe.
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コメント続き 第四回Clean Energy Ministerial Meetingにおける日本の存在感は予想通りゼロなんだが、、、。それにしても、世界としてみるとエネルギー問題は、結局依然化石燃料であることを痛感する状況ですね。その中で、苦闘しつつも、日本よりも大事に再生可能エネルギーの芽を育てようとしている国々があることも事実です。再生可能エネルギーに一定の割合で支えられる国、再生可能エネルギーによりエネルギー的な自立を実現する”地域”の連帯と拡大という地道な取り組みを日本でも進めなければいけません。2020年(台)に20%再生可能エネルギーを積み上げた努力の上に得るような進み方を大切にしたいものです。
-----image(”A view from the last turbine. Photo: London Array”) : 同リリースより
"Full capacity has now been reached at the 630MW first phase of the world’s largest offshore wind farm, the London Array. The commissioning of the 175th and final turbine happened at 16.09 on Saturday, 6 April.
With all turbines now exporting power to the national grid, London Array is expected to produce enough green electricity to power nearly half a million homes a year.
Turbine installation was completed in December 2012; since then the project has focused on fully commissioning and putting into operation all 175 of the 3.6MW Siemens turbines by this spring.
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プレスリリース / FIRST SOLAR,April 9, 2013
-----image[”First Solar today announced it is acquiring TetraSun, which has developed a break-through cell architecture capable of conversion efficiencies exceeding 21 percent with commercial-scale manufacturing costs comparable to conventional multicrystalline silicon solar cells. (Photo: Business Wire)”] : 同リリースより
"RENA has launched its ‘monoTEX,’ IPA-free alkaline texturing process for solar cells. has established that this process is key for their breakthrough mono-crystalline cell concept.
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/ 13/09/2011 TetraSun and RENA establish a manufacturing route for solar cells beyond 20% efficiency
"・cell efficiency well beyond the 20% mark
・monoTEX(R), RENA’s IPA-free alkaline texturing process
・focus on environmental and manufacturing cost
Gütenbach, September 13th, 2011. In 2010 RENA industrialized monoTEX(R), an IPAfree alkaline texturing process for solar cells. TetraSun has established that this process is key for their breakthrough mono-crystalline cell concept. RENA’s combination of pre-cleaning and monoTEX® texturing delivers a homogeneous surface with a distribution of pyramid sizes that enables TetraSun technology to achieve cell efficiency that is well beyond the 20% mark. Texturing times under 15 minutes, bath lifetimes over 40 runs and >95% tool uptime enable a very competitive footprint. The elimination of IPA from both the exhaust and fluid waste streams further supports TetraSun’s focus on environmental and manufacturing cost control. "
石油や天然ガスといった化石燃料と再生可能エネルギーの”力”を比較する際に、再生可能エネルギーのさまざまなメリットが正当に評価されていないということは、以前から認識されてきました。今回、ブルームバーグ NEF(ブルームバーグ・ニュー・エナジー・ファイナンス)の新たな分析により、クリーンエネルギーの潜在力が石油・ガスに匹敵することが判明したとのことです。
このリポートのタイトルは、「RENEWABLE RESERVES: TESTING THE CONCEPT FOR THE US AND BRAZIL」(再生可能エネルギーの潜在力:米国とブラジルのエネルギーコンセプトを再考)で、米国およびブラジルの風力発電およびバイオエネルギープロジェクトを長期的価値を考慮し、エネルギー的な価値を再評価した結果、ブラジルの既存の再生可能エネルギープロジェクトのエネルギー資源量が、同国の確認石油・ガス埋蔵量の 5 分の 2 を上回る量に達することが明らかになった。
さらに、ブラジルよりも多くの石油・ガス資源を保有している米国においても、既存の風力発電およびバイオエネルギープロジェクトのエネルギーが、化石燃料の潜在力の約 7 分の 1 の規模に相当すると分析したとのことです。
" A report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, commissioned by BP
A report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, commissioned by BP
Please click here to download the full report.
Executive Summary
With the growing importance of renewable energy in the global energy mix, it is increasingly common to compare renewable and fossil fuel energy sources. Yet many comparisons only consider the capacity and output of renewables today, rather than their potential contribution over future decades. It is also often difficult to compare renewables projects with each other on a clear and transparent basis. As a basis for comparison across energy systems, this report describes the concept of renewable reserves and the result of a simple renewable reserves classification methodology as applied to the wind and bioenergy sectors in the US and Brazil.
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