ネプチューン・ウェーブパワー Neptune Wave Powerのブイ型波力発電機 Model 3.1 、実証試験進行中
アメリカ、テキサス州ダラスのネプチューン・ウェーブパワー Neptune Wave Power社は、ブイ型波力発電機 Model 3.1の実証試験をニューハンプシャー大学の海洋再生可能エネルギーセンター University of New Hampshire's Center for Ocean Renewable Energy (UNHCORE)のテストサイトにて開始しました。テストサイトは、ニューハンプシャー州のポーツマス沖約10kmに位置しています。そこでは、これまでネプチューン・ウェーブパワー Neptune Wave Powerの前プロトタイプのブイ型波力発電装置である、Model 3.0の実証実験が行われていました。今回実証試験が開始されたModel 3.1は、より完成品に近い機能を備えた実証機として開発されたものです。
ネプチューン・ウェーブパワー Neptune Wave Power社とニューハンプシャー大学の海洋再生可能エネルギーセンター(UNHCORE)は、これらの実証試験を経て将来、0.5 - 2mの波高の海況において、 50-100 KWの出力を得ることができるブイ型波力発電装置の開発を急ぐ方針です。
プレスリリース / Neptune Wave Power,October 18, 2012(PR.com版)
・Neptune Wave Power Gets Positive Results Testing Latest Buoy
-----image : 同リリースより
-----image : Neptune Wave Power : Photo Galleryより
"Neptune Wave Power, LLC has been running tests on Model 3.1 of their Wave Energy Conversion (WEC) device within the University of New Hampshire’s Center for Ocean Renewable Energy (‘CORE’) – with great results. The tests have proven the viability of Neptune’s technology in a repeatable manner – for the first time.“Our goal is to deliver energy by creating the most robust, maintainable, and economic system possible,” said Steve Hench, Chief Scientist at Neptune Wave Power. “We are optimizing energy extraction from ocean waves through a tunable system that reacts to a wide range of sea states. The tests have been very positive.” Model 3.1 has definitively proven that Neptune’s technology can harvest wave energy and convert it into commercially viable electricity.
Both Model 3.0 and 3.1 buoys have been tested at the UNH CORE, with Model 3.1 showing significant improvements in the overall harvesting of energy from waves. The advances of Model 3.1, including a custom designed generator, scalable and mass producible hull design and a remote mechanical tuning feature has allowed Neptune to maximize the energy harvested. “The buoy is performing just as we modeled it,” said Eddie Mayfield, President, Neptune Wave Power. “We are very excited to obtain real-world validation of our work to date.”
About Neptune Wave Power
Neptune Wave Power has developed patented technology that will produce cost-effective commercial quantities of electric power using a generation system harnessing kinetic energy from ocean waves. The generation cost compares favorably not only with that of other generation systems such as wind power or alternative proposed wave energy capturing devices, but with many other conventional power sources as well. Neptune Wave Power is headquartered in Dallas, Texas. For more information, visit www.neptunewavepower.com.About University of New Hampshire Center for Ocean Renewable Energy ‘CORE’
UNH’s CORE has expertise in ocean engineering, mooring design, device deployment and retrieval, and hydrodynamics modeling. In addition, CORE has many physical assets including two research vessels under the management of UNH, a dedicated dock and launching facility, several onsite mooring components and a wave rider buoy to collect environmental data for detailed site information.
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・University of New Hampshire's Center for Ocean Renewable Energy (UNHCORE)
・Neptune Wave Power Deploys Second Buoy in the Ocean-----Neptune Wave Power,30 Aug 2012
Neptune Wave Power - Buoy In Action
(neptunewavepower, 2010/09/29)
Marine hydrokinetic turbine testing in Muskeget Channel with UNH test platform July 2012
(UNHCORE, 2012/07/17 )
-----image : GoogleマップでUNHCORE Wave Energy Test Site を表示
・英ネプチューン・リニューアブル・エナジー Neptune Renewable Energy、潮流発電機 Proteus NP1000の実証テストを完了-----ソフトエネルギー、2010/11/16
ブイ型の波力発電装置としては、オーシャンパワー・テクノロジー OPT のパワーブイ PB150(150kW)10基がオレゴン州でアメリカ初の本格的な波力発電所として開発される見通しになっています。
・オーシャンパワー・テクノロジー OPT のパワーブイ PB150×10基1.5MW波力発電所。オレゴン州で建設へ-----ソフトエネルギー、2012/08/28
[ カテゴリー : 潮汐力・海流など海洋エネルギー ]
・週刊GreenPost 46号 - しなやかな技術研究会 2012/10/29-11/2日版
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