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世界風力エネルギー会議 GWEC、リポート Global Wind Statistics 2011 を公開。全世界では、+21%

 世界風力エネルギー会議 Global Wind Energy Council(GWEC)は、2011年の各国の風力発電の設置状況などをまとめたリポート、Global Wind Statistics 2011を公開しました。
 リポートによると、全世界で設置された風力発電の設備容量は、41,000 MWで、21%増加に相当。これにより、2011年度末の風力発電の全世界での合計設備容量は、238,000 MWに達しました。さらに、22各国が累計で1GWレベルを超えたと推定、風力エネルギー大国の仲間入りを果たしています。

 ちなみに注目しているイギリスは、2012年末5,248MWで、2011年度分が+ 1,293 MW(5位)で2011年末の設備容量が6,540MW(8位)。そして日本は、2012年末2,334MWに、2011年度分が+168MWで2011年末の設備容量が2,501MWでした。

 世界風力エネルギー会議(GWEC)のこれまでの予想通り、現在の風力発電機の合計設備容量は、200GW(238,000 MW)越を達成し、順調にのぎてきたといえます。2011年もまあ堅調といえるかもしれません。しかし、欧州経済、世界経済の混乱の中で、今後の開発にこれまでどおりの投資と開発意欲が続くのかという疑問も出始めているのだと思います。2012年、そして2015年までの動向が気になるところです。

プレスリリース / Global Wind Energy Council(GWEC),07 / 02 / 2012
Release of global wind statistics: Wind Energy Powers Ahead Despite Economic Turmoil

-----image : 同リリースより

" 21% increase in global installed capacity

The Global Wind Energy Council annual market statistics published today show that the wind industry installed just over 41,000 MW of new clean, reliable wind power in 2011, bringing the total installed capacity globally to more than 238,000 MW at the end of last year. This represents an increase of 21%, with an increase in the size of the annual global market of just over 6%. Today, about 75 countries worldwide have commercial wind power installations, with 22 of them already passing the 1 GW level.

“Despite the state of the global economy, ..........

China has consolidated its position as global market leader, with a cumulative capacity of more than 62,000 MW, despite having faced a challenging year. “2011 was not an easy year for the Chinese wind industry.
For India, 2011 installations pushed India’s total capacity to just over 16,000 MW. “India reached another milestone with adding over 3000 MW of wind power installed in 2011. This is likely to go up to 5000 MW per year by 2015.
In the EU, 9,616 MW of wind energy capacity was installed in 2011, for a total installed capacity of 93,957 MW - enough to supply 6.3% of the EU's electricity, according to the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA).
After a difficult 2010, the US wind sector bounced back, with installations of more than 6800 MW. “American wind energy’s long-term fundamentals are strong," said AWEA CEO Denise Bode.
“Wind energy in Canada enjoyed a record year in 2011, surpassing the 5000 MW milestone.
Latin America had a good year, growing by a total of more than 1200 MW, led by Brazil. Brazilian installations were up by half, adding 587 MW to reach a total of just over 1500 MW. “Brazil reached the 1 GW milestone during 2011, and has a pipeline of more than 7,000 MW to be completed before the end of 2016,” said Pedro Perrelli, Executive Director of the Brazilian Wind Energy Association (ABEEOLICA).
Sawyer concluded: “We look forward to more new markets opening up in Africa, Asia and Latin America in 2012 and we expect to see some of the new markets in Latin America beyond Brazil start to approach critical mass. But at the end of the day we will be hard pressed to keep the industry’s growth up to its potential without a global price on carbon and other measures to account for the real costs to society of conventional power generation”.
.......... "

-----image : GWEC -Global Wind Statistics 2011(PDF)よりカバー、下-同リポートより「TOP 10 NEW INSTALLED CAPACITY JAN-DEC 2011(2011年増加分),TOP 10 CUMULATIVE CAPACITY DEC 2011(累計)」-----

Wind energy: over 21% of all new power capacity in 2011-----European Wind Energy Association(EWEA),06/02/2012

"In 2011, 9,616 MW of wind energy capacity was installed in the EU, making a total of 93,957 MW - enough to supply 6.3% of the EU's electricity, according to figures published today by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA).

Representing 21.4% of new power capacity, wind energy installations in 2011 were very similar to the previous year's 9,648 MW. The wind industry has had an average annual growth of 15.6% over the last 17 years (1995-2011).
.......... "

World Market recovers and sets a new record: 42 GW of new capacity in 2011, total at 239 GW-----World Wind Energy Association(WWEA),07 February 2012
-----image : 上記リリースより


COP17で、GWEC 世界風力エネルギー協会は、気候変動問題における風力発電の実績をアピール。さらなる加速を訴えた-----しなやかな技術研究所、2011/12/02


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この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 世界風力エネルギー会議 GWEC、リポート Global Wind Statistics 2011 を公開。全世界では、+21%:

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