ドイツの環境自然保護原子炉安全省 (BMU)は、再生可能エネルギー関連の統計処理を行う AGEE-Stat(Working Group on Renewable Energy Statistics) のまとめた2011年の電力に占める再生可能エネルギーの割合の暫定統計値を発表しました。
プレスリリース / Bundesministerium fur Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit(BMU : Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety),29.12.2011
・Renewable energies are key pillar of energy supply
" Strong increase in renewable electricity to 20 percent in 2011, tripling of share since 2000This year the share of renewable energies in Germany's energy supply once again rose considerably. This is confirmed by preliminary estimates calculated by the Working Group on Renewable Energy Statistics (AGEE-Stat) for the Federal Environment Ministry. In particular in the electricity sector, renewable energies achieved a strong rise to around 20 percent of electricity consumption. In 2010 this share was around 17 percent. Based on a 6.4 percent share in total electricity consumption in 2000, the renewables' share roughly tripled by 2011.
Measured against the total final energy consumption (electricity, heat, mobility), renewable energies were able to further enhance their position: from 11.3 percent in 2010 to a current share of around 12 percent - around three times higher than 10 years ago.
These findings confirm that the German government remains on the right track to reaching its ambitious targets for the expansion of renewable energies.
The figures given are preliminary estimates. The Federal Environment Ministry will publish more detailed figures from the AGEE-Stat in February.
.......... "
・Norbert Rottgen: Renewable energies and energy efficiency pay off for Europe as well-----Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety ,15.12.2011
・独国債、初のマイナス金利…確実と投資集中-----YOMIURI ONLINE,2012年1月10日
[ カテゴリー : ドイツ ]
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