デンマーク、2050に再生可能エネルギー100%を実現する具体案 Our Future Energy を公開
デンマーク政府は、今年の春に発表した、2050に再生可能エネルギー100%を実現するためのプランであるエネルギー戦略2050 Energy Strategy 2050 をより補強する具体案 Our Future Energy を公開しました。デンマーク政府は、エネルギー戦略2050において、2020年までにエネルギー産業の化石燃料利用を2009年比で33%削減する短期的な目標を設定しています。
・デンマーク、短中期エネルギー政策、エネルギー戦略2050 Energy Strategy 2050 を発表。2050年までに脱化石燃料、再生可能エネルギーへ-----ソフトエネルギー、2011/03/08
そして、今回のOur Future Energyにおいては、さらに試算として、2030年までに石炭火力発電所を段階的に廃止しつつ、国内使用電力の50%を風力エネルギーで供給することができた場合には、2035年までに電気・熱を再生可能エネルギーで100%供給可能であるという計算を示しました。
プレスリリース / Danish Government,25-11-2011
・Securing Denmark’s energy future
" The Danish Government’s plan "Our Future Energy" seeks to create green growth and help the country convert to 100 percent renewable energy use by 2050The Danish Government presented today its plan for how the country can secure its energy future. Titled Our Future Energy, the strategy presents specific measures for fulfilling the Government’s goal of stimulating green growth. The plan is based on the previous government’s Energy Strategy 2050, but raises the bar higher.
The long-term goal of the plan is to implement an energy and transport network that relies solely on renewable energy sources. By 2020, the initiatives will lead to extensive reductions in energy consumption, making it possible for half of the country’s electricity consumption to be covered by wind power. Coal is to be phased out of Danish power plants by 2030. And by 2035, all electricity and heating will be generated using renewable sources.
The Minister for Climate, Energy and Building, Martin Lidegaard, says:
“The International Energy Agency warns that without a change in national energy policies, the global temperature will rise by six degrees by the end of this century. The initiatives in the government’s strategy will slash Denmark’s greenhouse gas emissions by 35 percent by 2020, compared with 1990 levels. That would put us well on the way towards meeting the EU’s goal of an 80 to 95 per cent reduction by 2050. If we can do this, it would send a signal to the world that establishing a green energy network is realistic and affordable in the long term."“Our Future Energy” calls for spending 5.6 billion kroner in 2020 on such initiatives as improved energy efficiency and expanding the use of renewable energy. Not included in that figure are the billions of kroner businesses and households are projected to invest in renewable energy and more efficient technologies. The decreased consumption that results from these investments will lead to lower overall energy costs. By 2020, the savings is projected to amount to 6.9 billion kroner, but would be even larger if the cost of fossil fuels increases.
The Government invites all the parties represented in parliament to negotiations that will determine the shape of energy policy through 2020. The goal of a new energy policy should be to ensure the stability and security of our energy future, while simultaneously bringing Denmark closer to establishing a green energy network.
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-----image : 「Our Future Energy(PDF,THE DANISH GOVERNMENT-Nov.2011,p.44) 」上-カバー、下-「p.8,Figure 2.1 Illustration of energy consumption up to 2050」より-----
・デンマーク、2050年までに全発電を再生可能エネルギーに-----AFP BB News,2012年04月27日
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・Dong to Invest $795 Million in Fossil-to-Biomass Conversions, Further Denmark's Renewable Goals-----Renewable Energy World,2012/04/11
・ヴェスタス Vestas、累計1000基の3MW風力発電機 V112-3.0MW を販売。1機種1GW越えの快挙-----ソフトエネルギー、2011/11/25
[ カテゴリー : デンマーク ]
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