« IGES調査、東日本大震災および福島第一原発事故後のエネルギー及び気候変動政策に関するアンケート結果を発表。2050年までの段階的な廃止を含めると約83%が日本における脱原発を支持 | トップページ | 三菱重工鉄構エンジニアリング、振動水柱型空気タービン方式の波力発電システムの実証研究を開始 »


Global Cleantech Cluster Associationが実施した、クリーンテックベンチャーに贈られるGlobal Cleantech Later Stage Awardの各賞の受賞者が発表され、再生可能エネルギー部門賞は、潮流発電のOpenHydroが受賞しました。Global Cleantech Later Stage Awardは、再生可能エネルギー部門賞以外に、太陽エネルギーや風力、さらに、バイオ燃料、省エネビル、水処理などの環境技術関連の企業を4000社以上の候補から選んで毎年選考していこうというものだそうです。


プレスリリース / Global Cleantech Cluster Association,November 14, 2011
Global Top 10 are thriving in cleantech industry with innovative technologies and green job creation

" The Global Cleantech Cluster Association, known as the global voice of cleantech, announced its Top 10 winners of the 2011 Later Stage Award Monday night at its awards gala co-hosted by An sTli Ghlas ? The Green Way. The winning companies from North America and Europe represent the world’s leading cleantech clusters in the categories of biofuels, energy efficiency/green buildings, new materials, renewable energy, solar, storage/smart grid, transportation, waste, water and wind energy.

“Our Top 10 winners are truly the best in class and companies to watch,” says Ben Taube, Chairman of the GCCA. “In each category, these companies are making both broad strides in their global industries as well as working closely with their regional cleantech clusters to build sustainable green economies and jobs. We are thrilled to name them the GCCA Global Top 10 for 2011.”

The GCCA Later Stage Award Top 10 winners were selected from an original pool of 4000 eligible companies represented by the GCCA’s 33 member clusters. Each cluster conducted internal evaluations to nominate up to 10 companies in the 10 categories. In total, these member clusters nominated 185 companies for the 2011 Later Stage Award. That number was later narrowed to the Global Top 30 semi-finalists and the Top 10 winners through the evaluation of 28 leading venture capital investors and cleantech serial entrepreneurs, lead by Head Judge Dr. Peter Adriaens of the University of Michigan and CleanTech Acceleration Partners.
The Global Top 10 Later Stage Award Winners - 2011

Best in Biofuels - Imperative Energy

Best of Energy Efficiency/Green Buildings - Albeo Technologies

Best of New Materials - Beneq

Best of Renewable Energy - OpenHydro
Dublin, Ireland (cluster: An sTli Ghlas - The Green Way)
An Irish tidal energy technology company, OpenHydro’s business is the design and manufacture of marine turbines for generating renewable energy from tidal streams. The company’s vision is to deploy arrays of tidal turbines under the world’s oceans, silently and invisibly generating electricity at no cost to the environment. OpenHydro has a project portfolio spanning the USA, Canada, France, Scotland and the UK’s Channel Islands with utility partners including EDF, Nova Scotia Power and SSE Renewables. For further information please visit .

Best of Solar - Solaris Energy Solutions
Chicago, Illinois USA (cluster: Chicago Clean Energy)
Solaris Energy Solutions provides reliable and advanced solar technology for water/space heating, ventilation systems and photovoltaic electricity generation. As a founding member of the ISEA (Irish Solar Energy Association) and associated members of the German Solar Association, SES see itself at the forefront of helping to make progress towards a sustainable future with the emphasis on renewable energy.

Best of Storage/Smart Grid - PowerGenix

Best of Transportation - SAM Group
Zurich, Switzerland, (cluster: swisscleantech)
The Swiss company developed, built and launched the electric vehicle Sam EV II. Over 120 vehicles at a net price of EUR 14’000 were sold in several European countries yet. As a forerunner, Sam has a long term strategy in the field of lightweight, energy efficient and affordable electric vehicles.

Best of Waste - Newalta

Best of Water - Rentricity
New York, New York USA (cluster: NYC Acre)
Rentricity recovers energy from excess water pressure in pipes to produce clean,renewable electricity. Rentricity targets water, wastewater and industrial infrastructure to integrate its Flow-to-Wire configurations. Electricity produced can either be sold into the electric grid or used behind-the-meter.

Best of Wind - Moventas
.......... "

Top 10 Global Cleantech Cluster Association 2011 Later Stage Award Winners
Source: Clean Technica (http://s.tt/13Ocv)
-----cleantechnica.com,NOVEMBER 14, 2011

OpenHydro Wins Renewable Energy Award from Global Cleantech Cluster Association OpenHydro-----15/11/11
-----image(”All commercial installations will be mounted on the seabed”) : Newsサイトより



 潮流発電のOpenHydro社については、これまでも何回かとりあげてきました。スコットランドのEuropean Marine Energy Centre(EMEC)でのテストについての情報が一番簡単に集まります。

OPENHYDRO SUCCESSFUL DEPLOYMENT-----European Marine Energy Centre(EMEC),2008


Open Hydro test site at Eday in Orkney

(havley, 2011/01/20)


Open Hydro - ROV Footage @ EMEC




アメリカワシントン州で、潮流(潮汐)発電所 Open Hydro 100kW機のパイロットプランにゴーサイン-----ソフトエネルギー、2010/12/09


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・東北関東大震災、福島原子力発電所事故対応サイト : crisis311 #disaster_kit311

greenpost(@greenpost) - Twilog-----twitter : greenpost



« IGES調査、東日本大震災および福島第一原発事故後のエネルギー及び気候変動政策に関するアンケート結果を発表。2050年までの段階的な廃止を含めると約83%が日本における脱原発を支持 | トップページ | 三菱重工鉄構エンジニアリング、振動水柱型空気タービン方式の波力発電システムの実証研究を開始 »




この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 潮流発電のOpenHydro、クリーンテックベンチャーに贈られる再生可能エネルギー部門賞を受賞:

« IGES調査、東日本大震災および福島第一原発事故後のエネルギー及び気候変動政策に関するアンケート結果を発表。2050年までの段階的な廃止を含めると約83%が日本における脱原発を支持 | トップページ | 三菱重工鉄構エンジニアリング、振動水柱型空気タービン方式の波力発電システムの実証研究を開始 »