カナダのシンレッドライン・エアロスペース Thin Red Line Aerospace、海中にエネルギーを溜める圧搾空気タンクを開発
エネルギーを蓄えるといえば、まずはバッテリー。他には、揚水、温度、フライホィールなどのさまざまな方法が実験され、開発されてきました。今回のものは、深海にタンクを設置し、そこの圧搾空気を送り込むことで、エネルギーを空気の圧力という形で蓄えるという、”圧搾空気エネルギータンク” compressed air energy storage (CAES)という技術です。
この技術を開発したのは、カナダのシンレッドライン・エアロスペース Thin Red Line Aerospace社です。同社が開発した実証用の”エネルギーバッグ Energy bags”の容量は、6000立方メートルの下の写真のような形状で、600mの深海に海底から繋索されて設置するようにデザインされました。実証実験は、 E.ON.の資金援助の下で、ノッティンガム大学の研究チームが来月からイギリスで行われる予定だということです。
"Compressed air energy storage has bags of potential-----The Engineer,25 April 2011" によれば、直径20mのエネルギーバックは、600mの深海に設置され圧搾空気で満タンに満たされた場合、70MWH相当のエネルギー、5MWの大型風力発電機が14時間定格で発電したのと同じエネルギーを蓄えることができるということです。
将来実用化されれば、海流、波力、そして洋上風力発電などで発電された電力で空気を圧搾し、それを海底の”エネルギーバッグ Energy bags”に蓄え、さらに電力が必要な時に圧搾空気で回転するタービンを利用して”再”発電するというしくみが世界で始めて開発されるかもしれません。
プレスリリース / Thin Red Line Aerospace,May 3, 2011
・Thin Red Line Aerospace completes first Undersea Energy Storage Structure
-----image[”Thin Red Line Aerospace Design Engineer and CEO Maxim de Jong inspects the Energy
Bag during initial test inflation (photo Keith Thomson/Thin Red Line Aerospace)”] : 同リリースより
" Canadian firm Thin Red Line Aerospace has completed the first structure specifically designed and built for undersea compressed air energy storage (CAES). The structure, also referred to as an “Energy Bag”, is to be anchored to the seabed off the coast of Scotland next month as part of a major renewable energy research project conceived and led by Professor Seamus Garvey of the University of Nottingham and supported by European renewable energy leader E.ON. The project is the first to investigate large scale offshore storage of wind, tidal and wave power as compressed air.
Energy bags would be anchored at a depth of approximately 600 meters (2000 feet) where the pressure of the ocean takes on the role of high performance pressure vessel. The bag is hereby relegated to a flexible, balloon like structure needing only to restrain the buoyant air bubble contained within-rather than a massive, thick-walled pressure tank of exceptional cost and complexity. At this depth the immense pressure of the ocean ensures high energy storage density, constant pressure regardless of bag volume, and pressure compatibility with existing high efficiency turbine technology. For commercial scale application, Thin Red Line has performed concept development for containment volumes to 6000 cubic meters (212,000 cubic feet).The prototype energy bag, designed by Thin Red Line’s Maxim de Jong, displaces 40 tons of seawater, and is to be anchored to the seabed by its array of VectranR fibre tendons capable of restraining a total load of 250 tons-yet the entire systems weighs only 75 kilograms (165 pounds). The design is based on Thin Red Line’s inflatable space architecture currently being investigated in several NASA programs. Thin Red Line is known for their ultra-high performance fabric structures, having notably developed and manufactured the pressure restraining hulls of the Bigelow Aerospace Genesis 1 and 2 satellites launched in 2006 and 2007, the first spacecraft on orbit successfully incorporating large volume, high-stress inflatable architecture.
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・Compressed air energy storage has bags of potential-----The Engineer,25 April 2011
・Offshore renewable energy storage-----renewableenergyfocus.com,04 May 2011
" 参考、[フライホィール]
[V2G] "
[ カテゴリー : 電力変換/蓄電、蓄熱、水素など ]
・Grid Scale Energy Storage: Technologies and Forecasts Through 2015-----GTM Research,AUGUST 17, 2009
" Power and Energy Positioning of Energy Storage Options--Compressed Air "
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