・Target for renewable energy now 80 per cent-----Scottish Government,23/09/2010
5月に行われた地方選では、アレックス・サモンドさんが党首を務めるスコットランド国民党(Scottish National Party)が大躍進し、UKからの分離独立をめぐる動きも活発化する中でも政治的なアピールも含まれての引き上げとなったようです。スコットランド国民党は、またの名をスコットランド民族党と呼ばれているようで、スコットランドの自治、自立を強く訴えているようです。
プレスリリース / Scottish Government,18/05/2011
・Renewables revolution aims for 100%
-----image(”Whitelee Wind Farm”) : Flicker : Scottish Governmentより
" The new Scottish Government's 2020 renewable electricity target has been raised to 100 per cent, First Minister Alex Salmond said today as he pledged to move "still faster and further" to secure Scotland's place as the green energy powerhouse of Europe.Mr Salmond also launched an online portal showcasing Scotland's burgeoning offshore wind sector and announced the signing of a new strategic agreement between the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney and the Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy (FORCE) in Nova Scotia, Canada, to collaborate on the development and deployment of power generation from the sea.
Scotland has an estimated quarter of Europe's offshore wind and tidal energy resource and a tenth of its potential wave capacity. Lease agreements have been secured for offshore wind developments in Scottish waters with the potential to generate around 10 GigaWatts of electricity by 2020, while similar agreements have been signed for six wave and five tidal projects in the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters with a potential capacity to generate 1.6 GW.
The EMEC-FORCE strategic agreement will build on EMEC and FORCE's existing assets and help strengthen both organisations capacity for research, including environmental assessment and monitoring, turbine and submarine cable deployment, connection, maintenance, and retrieval.The Scottish Government is also promoting global innovation in wave and tidal power generation with the £10 million Saltire Prize marine energy challenge. The competition has attracted more than 150 registrations of interest from 31 countries.
Over its previous four-year term, the Scottish Government consented 42 renewable energy projects and in 2009, more than a quarter (27.4 per cent) of electricity demand came from renewables. There are around 7 Gigawatts (GW) of renewables capacity installed, under construction or consented around Scotland, enabling Scotland to exceed its interim target of 31 per cent of Scotland's electricity demand from renewables in 2011.
.......... "
First Minister's Message to the All Energy Conference
・New Scottish Government pledges 100% renewable electricity by 2020-----Energy Efficiency News,19 May 2011
・英国:国民投票、選挙制度改革を否決 連立与党間に亀裂-----毎日jp,2011年5月7日
" スコットランド議会(定数129)では少数与党の独立派スコットランド民族党(SNP)が23議席増の69議席へ大躍進。同党は独立の是非を問う住民投票の5年以内の実施方針を示している。 "
・スコットランドは、再生可能エネルギーに熱心ですね! North Sea Grid計画-----ソフトエネルギー、2010/03/10
スコットランドの再生可能エネルギーの取り組みの中で、洋上風力に続いて注目されるのが、海洋エネルギーへの取り組みです。今回の発表では、オークニーの欧州海洋エネルギーセンター European Marine Energy Centreとカナダの Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy (FORCE)が情報の交換等を積極的に行っていくことを発表したことが注目されます。カナダの動き、あまり調べてこなかったので、これをきっかけにさがしてみようと考えています。(t_t)
FORCE AGREEMENT SIGNED-----European Marine Energy Centre(EMEC),
・New marine energy projects-----Scottish Government,19/05/2011
・ Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy (FORCE) / 2011-05-18 World’s Leading Tidal Energy Centres Forge Alliance
・Tidal Force Bay Of Fundy Tidal Energy Project
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Hack again?!
投稿: GaninaPasi | 2011/06/02 04:26