インドのスズロン Suzlon、風力発電機の同国設備容量5000MW超をアナウンス
インドの風力発電機メーカーのスズロン Suzlon が、これまでの合計で5000MWの設備容量に達したと発表しました。インドの風力発電の設備容量は、これまで世界第五位を誇り、2009年3月の時点での風力エネルギーの導入量は、10,223.52MW(GWEC : Indian Wind Energy Outlook 2009)、同社のインド国内でのシェアは50%近くをキープしたということです。
プレスリリース / Suzlon,24 September, 2010
・PRESS RELEASE / Suzlon celebrates 5,000 MW of wind power installations in India(PDF)
-----image(” Dhule”) : MEDIA PHOTO KITより
" Cumulative installed base of Suzlon wind turbine generators (WTGs) set-up and operated for 1,500 customers in India crosses the 5,000 MW landmark
・Suzlon has been the market leader in India for 12 consecutive years with nearly 50 per cent YoY market share
・Installed wind turbines generate green power mitigating ~8.5 million metric tons of harmful CO2 emissions every year
Suzlon Energy Limited (SEL), India’s largest wind turbine manufacturer, announced crossing 5,000 MW (megawatt) of cumulative installations in India, underlining the strong momentum in India's fast growing wind energy market. This cumulative power generation capacity has the potential to light up four million homes annually; thereby accentuating the key role that Suzlon continues to play in the electrification of India.
Suzlon has cumulatively added over 5,000 MW of wind power capacity for over 1,500 customers in India across 40 sites in eight States. Suzlon accounts for nearly half of the country’s total wind installations. In the key states of Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Gujarat, Suzlon’s installation base is over 1,000 MW each.
..........India has a target to source 15 per cent of electrical power from renewables by 2020. We have already secured one fourth of our target, and wind is the highest contributor at ~70 per cent of the country’s total grid connected renewable power capacity..........
India is the world’s fifth biggest wind market with a cumulative installed base of over 12,000 MW. The total estimated onshore wind power potential in India, as per data from the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is over 48,000 MW.
.......... "
・Suzlon Energy Now Powers 30% of India’s Renewable Energy Generation Capacity-----CleanTechnica,September 26, 2010
・GWEC : Indian Wind Energy Outlook 2009
[ カテゴリー : インド ]
・アメリカの風力発電が、ドイツを抜いて世界一の規模に。25,170 MW!-----ソフトエネルギー、2009/02/06
・2020年、中国に大規模な風力発電所群ができる-----GreenPost -Heuristic Life -,2009/6/29
インドのスズロン Suzlon、風力発電機の同国設備容量5000MW超をアナウンス
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