« 日揮、スペインのアベンゴア・ソーラー Abengoa Solar と共同でCordobaに50MWの太陽熱発電所2基を建設へ | トップページ | おひさまエネルギーファンド、立山アルプス小水力発電事業への市民出資募集開始。日本初の取組み! »

セルフクリーニング太陽電池 Self-cleaning PV! 埃を自動除去し効率アップ。火星探検用システムに学べ


 ボストン大学のElectrical & Computer Engineering専攻のマーレー・マツンダー Malay Mazumder 博士が、アメリカ化学学会 American Chemical Society の会議で火星探検用の太陽電池の設計で検討されている太陽光発電の自動クリーニング技術は、地球上でも利用できる旨の発表を行いました。日本のように四季を通じて雨が太陽電池面の汚れを洗い流してくれるという状況は、世界の状況からみれば例外的なのかもしれません。現在、大規模な太陽光発電システムが建設されているアメリカ、スペイン、ドイツ、中東、オーストラリアとインドなどの乾燥地帯においては、すでに、そして今後展開する太陽光発電システムにとって、セルフクリーニングする太陽電池があれば、大きな発電効率の向上につながります。



 動作のようすはNASA関連のサイトで公開されていました。この技術の名称は、Electrodynamic Dust Shieldという名称だということです。

Lunar Dust Buster-----NASA Science,April 19, 2006

プレスリリース / American Chemical Society - ASC(eurekalert.org),Aug. 22, 2010
Self-cleaning technology from Mars can keep terrestrial solar panels dust free

" Find dusting those tables and dressers a chore or a bore? Dread washing the windows? Imagine keeping dust and grime off objects spread out over an area of 25 to 50 football fields. That's the problem facing companies that deploy large-scale solar power installations, and scientists today presented the development of one solution ? self-dusting solar panels ― based on technology developed for space missions to Mars.
Large-scale solar installations already exist in the United States, Spain, Germany, the Middle East, Australia, and India. These installations usually are located in sun-drenched desert areas where dry weather and winds sweep dust into the air and deposit it onto the surface of solar panel. Just like grime on a household window, that dust reduces the amount of light that can enter the business part of the solar panel, decreasing the amount of electricity produced. Clean water tends to be scarce in these areas, making it expensive to clean the solar panels.
”A dust layer of one-seventh of an ounce per square yard decreases solar power conversion by 40 percent," Mazumder explains. "In Arizona, dust is deposited each month at about 4 times that amount. Deposition rates are even higher in the Middle East, Australia, and India. ”
The self-cleaning technology involves deposition of a transparent, electrically sensitive material deposited on glass or a transparent plastic sheet covering the panels. Sensors monitor dust levels on the surface of the panel and energize the material when dust concentration reaches a critical level. The electric charge sends a dust-repelling wave cascading over the surface of the material, lifting away the dust and transporting it off of the screen's edges.
Mazumder said that within two minutes, the process removes about 90 percent of the dust deposited on a solar panel and requires only a small amount of the electricity generated by the panel for cleaning operations.

The current market size for solar panels is about $24 billion, Mazumder said. ”Less than 0.04 percent of global energy production is derived from solar panels, but if only four percent of the world's deserts were dedicated to solar power harvesting, our energy needs could be completely met worldwide. This self-cleaning technology can play an important role.”

-----image : Google画像検索 : Electrodynamic Dust Shieldより

Professor Malay Mazumder Featured on BBC News for Solar Panel Research-----2010/09/03,BOSTON UNIVERSITY-----Energy Engineering ? Mazumder

New Tech-‘Dust buster’ cleans up solar’s act ? without water-----Phoenix Sun,2010/9/23(わかりやすいの動画へのリンクがあります。-http://empl.ksc.nasa.gov/CurrentResearch/ElectrodynamicScreen/ApolloSampleRemoval_RGF2.wmv )
" Mazumder reports that the EDS developed by his lab can remove 90 percent of dust particles from a square meter of PV paneling in two minutes using just 10 watts. "

NASA - Electrostatics and Surface Physics Laboratory / Electrodynamic Dust Shield Technology

Self Cleaning Solar Panels Increase Power Production-----energymatters.com.au,23 AUGUST, 2010


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« 日揮、スペインのアベンゴア・ソーラー Abengoa Solar と共同でCordobaに50MWの太陽熱発電所2基を建設へ | トップページ | おひさまエネルギーファンド、立山アルプス小水力発電事業への市民出資募集開始。日本初の取組み! »




この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: セルフクリーニング太陽電池 Self-cleaning PV! 埃を自動除去し効率アップ。火星探検用システムに学べ:

« 日揮、スペインのアベンゴア・ソーラー Abengoa Solar と共同でCordobaに50MWの太陽熱発電所2基を建設へ | トップページ | おひさまエネルギーファンド、立山アルプス小水力発電事業への市民出資募集開始。日本初の取組み! »