イギリス公共政策研究所 IPPR、FITなどにより太陽光発電などの再生可能エネルギー導入が地域社会にもたらす効果を試算。リポート「Green Streets」から
イギリス公共政策研究所 Institute for Public Policy Research(ippr) が、ブリテッシュガスの依頼により、太陽光発電などの再生可能エネルギー導入が地域社会にもたらす効果を試算するリポート「Green Streets」を公開しました。
同リポートによると、公民館や教会、パブなどの公共的な建物に太陽光発電や太陽熱利用設備などの小規模な再生可能エネルギーが導入されうことにより、合計で115 millionポンド(約150億円)の、地域活性化をもたらす経済効果があるということです。4月から太陽光発電や風力発電などの小規模再生可能エネルギーに関しては、固定価格買取制(Feed-In Tariff)、また熱に関しては、2009年から実施されている 再生可能熱エネルギー導入促進策(Renewable Heat Incentive)があります。
FITの太陽光発電では、各自治体は、この制度の下で、1)発電量に応じ給付される発電料、2)余剰電力売電による収入、3)電気代の節約分、の三重の恩恵が得られるとされているます。日本の太陽光発電の場合には余剰電力のみの収入となってしまい、また現在は太陽光発電が中心ですが、イギリスのFITでは、風力、水力、バイオマス(嫌気性発酵 anaerobic digestion)が適用可能です。
プレスリリース / Institute for Public Policy Research(ippr), 10 September 2010
・Renewables to renew British communities- £115 million potential to boost local life
" Renewable energy has the power to revitalise neighbourhoods across Britain, with community buildings such as village halls, churches and pubs sitting on a potential £115 million pot of energy cash.Research carried out by the Institute for Public Policy Research (ippr) for the British Gas Green Streets challenge calculates that these community buildings could raise millions of pounds by installing microgeneration technologies like solar panels. With many of these buildings at the heart of communities struggling to raise funds and threatened with closure, this energy windfall has the potential to boost their stretched finances and aid their survival.
The ippr report Green Streets: Exploring the potential of community energy projects and British Gas data reveals some startling statistics about this green energy potential:
Solar panels on village halls and community centres could generate around £18 million a year through the Feed-In Tariff, a government scheme which pays households and organisations for generating their own electricity.
Pubs could earn £15million per year, while schools could earn £41million, enough to pay for over 2000 newly qualified teachers.
The money earned through the Feed-In Tariff is index linked and guaranteed for 25 years.
Community buildings also have the potential to save both cash and carbon dioxide by fully embracing renewable technology:Schools, pubs, religious buildings, village and community halls and swimming pools across the UK could collectively provide the equivalent generating capacity as a medium sized standard gas power station (around 310MW).
This would also save around 145,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year ? the equivalent of taking around 57,000 cars off the road.
Generating their own energy could also collectively save these community buildings over £17 million a year on their energy bills.
.......... "
・Green Streets: Exploring the potential of community energy projects
-----image : Green Streets(PDF)カバー、下:Green Streets-Potential for renewable technologies on community buildings p28より-----
" 各自治体は、政府の固定価格買取制度(FIT)の下、1)発電量に応じ給付される発電料、2)余剰電力売電による収入、3)電気代の節約分、の三重の恩恵が得られるとされる。 "
・NREL Releases Feed-in Tariff Guide-----renewableenergyworld.com,2010/08/10
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