世界風力エネルギー協会(Global Wind Energy Council - GWEC)の発表によると、世界の風力発電容量は、2010年に約40GWを積み上げ、合計設備容量200GWを越える見通しだとのことです。
さらに世界風力エネルギー協会(Global Wind Energy Council - GWEC)は、今後の風力発電の普及がラテンアメリカ、アフリカ、アジアなどに普及していく状況から、今後の見通しにも楽観的です。
同時に発表されたGWECの数字としては、2014年末で400GW。さらに来年発表予定のリポート‘Global Wind Energy Outlook 2010’の中でもっとも高い見通しとしては、2020年までに1000GW、2030年までに2300GWに世界の風力発電の合計設備容量が達するという見通しを発表するという発表がありました。
プレスリリース / Global Wind Energy Council(GWEC) ,23.09.2010
・Global wind capacity to reach close to 200 GW this year
" With around 40 GW of new capacity added this year alone, the world’s installed wind power capacity is expected to reach close to 200 GW by the end of 2010. These were the figures presented by Steve Sawyer, Secretary General of the Global Wind Energy Council, at a press conference during the Husum WindEnergy fair, of which GWEC is the international partner.
In its five -year market outlook, GWEC forecasts that global wind power will double between 2010 and 2014, reaching more than 400 GW. This increase will continue to be driven by growth in China, the US and Europe, but new countries are also entering the global wind map.
A longer term outlook for global wind power growth will be presented by GWEC in October during its China Wind Power 2010 conference in Beijing. This new edition of the ‘Global Wind Energy Outlook 2010’ will present three scenarios for the development of wind energy, showing how 1,000 GW of installed capacity could be operating world-wide by 2020, and as much as 2,300 GW by 2030.
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・Global Wind Report 2009
-----image : Global Wind Report 2009カバー
" GWEC's annual report is the autoritative source of information on wind power markets around the world. The Global Wind 2009 Report contains installation figures for over 70 countries for the 2009 record year, as well as a five-year forecast up to 2014 and detailed chapters on the key countries.
Download the report here.
5-year forecast:Annual market forecast by region 2009-2013
Cumulative market forecast by region 2009-2013
Market forecast 2010-2014
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COP15 Boat tour to offshore wind farm outside Copenhagen
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