ドイツ連邦環境庁 UBA、2050年に化石燃料や原発に依存せず100%再生可能エネルギーで賄いうるというリポートを発表
ドイツは、連邦環境庁 UBAを通じて、2050年に化石燃料や原発に依存せず100%再生可能エネルギーで賄いうるというリポート「Energieziel 2050: 100% Strom aus erneuerbaren Quellen」を発表しました。
プレスリリース / Umweltbundesamt,(UBA - ドイツ連邦環境庁:Federal Environment Agency),7 July 2010
・Energy goal for 2050: 100% renewable electricity supply
" New UBA study shows that electricity supplied entirely from renewable energies is realistic
Germany’s electricity supply could make a complete switch to renewable energies by 2050. The technology already available on the market could make this possible even today, but it requires that electricity be used and produced very efficiently. These are the results of the Energieziel 2050: 100% Strom aus erneuerbaren Quellen [100% renewable electricity supply by 2050] study done by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). In order to achieve this goal by 2050 UBA is calling for timely political support. “The earlier we take decisive action the more time there will be to make the necessary technological and social adaptation,” says Jochen Flasbarth, President of the Federal Environment Agency. Moreover, Germany could drastically reduce its great dependence on imports of primary energy sources if electricity were produced with renewable energies only.The Federal Environment Agency explores the conversion to a 100% renewable energies power supply in three basic scenarios. The study now published is based on the ‘region´s network’ scenario, in which all the regions in Germany largely tap their potentials to use renewable energies and a country-wide electricity conversion results. Only a very small share of electricity would then need to be imported from neighbouring countries. The calculations needed were carried out by the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (IWES) on behalf of UBA. The researchers at IWES modeled this scenario for four seasons and according to hours. UBA President Jochen Flasbarth says, “The results of the study demonstrate that electricity supply can be generated completely from renewable energies by 2050 and that secure supply can be guaranteed at all times.” The various means to generate power from renewable energies, storage, and load management are explored in more explicit detail in the region’s network scenario, showing that fluctuations that may occur in supply of renewable energies can be safely compensated at all times. According to UBA, the power supply switch requires that renewable energies, networks and storage systems be expanded large-scale. Furthermore, the means to save electricity must also be used to the fullest extent.
The insulation of buildings must be greatly improved so as not to consume too much power to supply their heating. Load management potentials must also be developed in order to better adapt demand for electricity to fluctuating supply, especially from wind and solar energy.
Electricity supply is responsible for about 40% of Germany’s total energy-related CO2 emissions. “If we are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95%, we must switch to electricity supply from renewable energies as it is the only way to reduce the GHG emissions generated in electricity supply to zero”, explained Jochen Flasbarth. In a follow-up study the Federal Environment Agency will investigate two possible alternatives to the ‘region’s network’ scenario, namely ‘International large scale application of technology’ and ‘Local Energy Autarky’.
The UBA Energieziel 2050: 100% Strom aus erneuerbaren Quellen [100% renewable electricity supply by 2050] study is available for free download at www.uba.de/uba-info-medien-e/3997.html. "
・UBA Database : Energieziel 2050: 100% Strom aus erneuerbaren Quellen-15/07/2010
-----image : 上記サイトより上-「Energieziel 2050: 100% Strom aus erneuerbaren Quellen」カバー。下-P.17より-----
・Vollversorgung mit erneuerbaren Energien bis 2050-----Das Bundesumweltministerium(DAS BMU-連邦教育研究省),23.06.2010
・Germany targets switch to 100% renewables for its electricity by 2050-----guardian.co.uk,7 July 201
・100% Erneuerbare Energie fur Deutschland moglich bis 2050-----glocalist.com,15 July 2010
ガーディアンの記事を最初に読んだ時、すごい! と驚く反面。昨今のさまざまな状況を考えて - 経済的なこととか、政治的なこととか- ドイツがどこまで本気なのか、またそのシナリオはどこまで考えられたものかをいぶかしく思いました。ドイツ語で全体の把握はできていないのですが、図なんかだけでも見ている内に、この大冊のリポートの概要が見えてきて、だんだん興奮してきました。ドイツが求めたのは、EUの理念、地域の相互主義による平和ということだと理解してきました。その上での、スカンジナビア半島や北アフリカ、さらにはその先までもみつめた大きな、エネルギーの柱でした。
・100% erneuerbare Stromversorgung bis 2050 moglich-----greenpeace.de
・Europe could create a 100% renewable electricity supply by 2050-----Research in Germany - Land of Ideas(BMBF),4/6/10
・Europe could create a 100% renewable electricity supply by 2050-----Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research,
-----image("A SuperSmart Grid (SSG) would transmit renewably generated electricity over vast distances between points in North Africa, the Mediterranean, and Europe. Source: J. Lillestam, PIK.") : 同リリースより
" Renewable energy sources could be used at scale by 2050 if supported by an efficient European transmission grid and a single European power market united with similar grids and markets in North Africa. This is shown in a new report released last week by PricewaterhouseCoopers. A group of energy and climate experts from the company in collaboration with researchers of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the European Climate Forum (ECF) have examined possible transformation paths for the European and North African power sector. A transformation of the power sector based on one hundred percent renewables would address energy security and supply concerns while decarbonising electricity generation and at the same time reduce energy poverty, the report says.
http://www.pwc.co.uk/eng/publications/100_percent_renewable_electricity.html; Download PDF (2,9 MB)
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