ソロパワー SoloPower、フレキシブルなCIGS薄膜太陽電池 SFXmoduleシリーズを発表
ソロパワー SoloPowerが、フレキシブルなCIGS薄膜太陽電池 SFX moduleシリーズを発表しました。最大出力が80WpのSFX1-i module は、幅30センチで長さが2.9mで、重さは、2.3kg。さらに、SFX2 moduleが、170Wp, 0.3m x 5.8m, 3.6kg。SFX1-i3 module が260Wp, 0.9m x 2.9m, 6kgなどが順次登場するようです。いずれも柔軟な金属ホイルの上に、”roll-to-roll electroplating process”により、銅-インジウム-ガリウム-セレン化合物により形成されるCIGS太陽電池を安価に製造できるということです。また、施工に際してもこの巻物状である点を生かし、手軽に太陽光発電システムを屋根に施工できるということです。フレキシブルなCIGS薄膜太陽電池、どのていどの柔軟性と施工上のメリットがあるのか、ぜひ目にして触ってみたい製品です。
プレスリリース / SoloPower - PRNewswire,July 12,2010
・SoloPower Launches Breakthrough Flexible CIGS Module Product Line
-----image("source - SoloPower,PRNewsFoto") : 同リリースより
" New Modules on Display at InterSolar in San Francisco
SoloPower, a California-based manufacturer of flexible, thin-film solar photovoltaic (PV) cells and modules, today announced the launch of its debut CIGS-based, thin-film, lightweight, flexible SFX1-i Photovoltaic module. The SoloPower SFX1-i module will be on display at InterSolar 2010......
....SoloPower produces high-power, lightweight, flexible Photovoltaic modules utilizing a low-cost, roll-to-roll electroplating process. The SFX1-i module (80Wp, 0.3m x 2.9m, 2.3kg / 5lbs.) represents the first of several products of SoloPower's flexible module product line which includes the SFX1-i3 module (260Wp, 0.9m x 2.9m, 6kg / 13lbs.) and the SFX2 module (170Wp, 0.3m x 5.8m, 3.6kg / 8 lbs.).
Unique Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing Process
SoloPower's roll-to-roll manufacturing process offers unique cost advantages including low capital expenditures, high line throughput and excellent material utilization. This low-cost structure combined with the optimized product design creates an unbeatable value proposition.
"SoloPower's lightweight, flexible, CIGS modules represent a true breakthrough in the solar industry," said Tim Harris, CEO, SoloPower. "The SFX1-i3 lightweight module is optimized for commercial and industrial roofs, allowing our customers to increase their profitability and to complete projects that would not have been possible with other technologies."
Select SoloPower customers currently are sampling the new SFX1-i and SFX1-i3 modules off of SoloPower's existing production line in San Jose, CA and general availability for the new modules will be in the second half of 2010. Additionally, SoloPower is in the process of a significant capacity expansion to meet further market demand.
.......... "
-----image : 上記サイトより
・SoloPower Pre-launches flexible CIGS Photovoltaic Modules-----GUNTHER Portfolio,JULY 12, 2010
・SoloPower SoloPanel at Solar Power International 09-----GUNTHER Portfolio,OCTOBER 29, 2009
・Soft pretzels and CIGS: Even more from the IEEE PVSC/PV America event-----PV-tech.org,15 June 2009
・PHOTOS: What’s Hot At Solar Power International 2009-----earth2tech.com,Oct. 27, 2009
" Here’s a thin film solar prototype via SoloPower, a startup based in San Jose, Calif, which is slowing trying to move into commercial production. The prototype was at the 3M booth. "
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