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欧州風力エネルギー協会 European Wind Energy Association、2010年上半期の洋上風車 Offshore wind の記録的な進行を報告

 欧州風力エネルギー協会 European Wind Energy Associationの発表によると、2010年上半期の洋上風車 Offshore wind は、すでに昨年全体のオフショア風力発電の設置設備容量577MWの半分をこえる333MW(118基)を越え、さらに設置済みでこれから商用電力網に連系する440MW(151基)が数字に付け加わるべく待機中だということです。

 2010年上半期に導入された洋上風力発電機のデベロッパーのシェアは、E.ON系列が64%、続いて、DONG 21%、Vattenfall 11%。メーカーシェアは、Siemens 55%、続いて Vestas 36% 、 REpower 9%ということです。


プレスリリース / European Wind Energy Association (EWEA),20/07/10
Offshore wind heads for record year

" 118 new offshore wind turbines were fully connected to the grid in the first half of 2010 according to new statistics released today by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA). Those 118 turbines have a capacity of 333 MW - well over half the 577 MW installed offshore last year - showing continuing strong growth in offshore wind power despite the financial crisis. In addition, 151 turbines (440 MW) were installed but not yet connected to the grid, EWEA revealed today
Overall 16 offshore wind farms totalling 3,972 MW were under construction. Of these, four became fully operational: Poseidon in Denmark, Alpha Ventus in Germany, Gunfleet Sands and Robin Rigg in the UK.

To date in Europe there are 948 offshore wind turbines in 43 fully operational offshore wind farms, with a total capacity of 2,396 MW.
Among the developers, E.ON Climate and Renewables developed 64% of the offshore capacity grid connected during the first half of 2010, followed by DONG (21%) and Vattenfall (11%). Among the manufacturers, Siemens accounted for 55% of the offshore capacity grid connected during the first half of 2010, Vestas 36% and REpower 9%.
"Despite the financial crisis, offshore wind continues to be a major growth industry”, said Justin Wilkes, Director of Policy at EWEA. “The number of offshore wind turbines connected to the grid in the first half of this year is well over half the total amount installed all last year and I am confident we are heading for a record year.
“There is no doubt this burgeoning industry is being held back by a lack of finance. Projects led by utilities are less affected thanks to their ability to fund investments from their balance sheets, but independent developers are severely constrained. Loans from public institutions such as the European Investment Bank are crucial and have already helped a number of projects, and this support must be extended further.”
"Europe is a world leader in offshore wind energy, and continuing growth ? and the availability of finance - is essential for European jobs and competitiveness as well as for reducing CO? emissions.” "

-----image : EWEA : The European offshore wind industry -Key trends and statistics: 1st half 2010-pdfカバー[www.ewea.org/fileadmin/ewea_documents/documents/publications/statistics/EWEA_OffshoreStatistics_2010.pdf]

EWEA : Offshore Wind

Offshore wind power: The big blow-----The Economist,Jan 15th 2010

Source: IEA. World Energy Outlook. 2008.
Source: European Commission. European energy and transport trends to 2030. 2008.

AWEA Market Report-Wind power sinks back to 2007 levels with 700 MW installed in Q2-----windfair.net,2010-07-29

" ..The AWEA announced that with only 700 megawatts (MW) added in the second quarter of 2010, wind power installations to date this year have dropped by 57% and 71% from 2008 and 2009 levels, respectively... "



Google検索 : europe offshore wind
 -Googleイメージ検索 : europe offshore wind



RenewableUK : The Potential of Offshore Wind





スコットランドは、再生可能エネルギーに熱心ですね! North Sea Grid計画-----ソフトエネルギー、2010/03/10

デンマーク、世界最大の洋上風力発電所群の設置を完了。91基、209MWのOffshore wind farmの壮観-----ソフトエネルギー、2009/09/25

British Wind Energy Association (BWEA) が リポート”UK Offshore Wind: Moving up a Gear ”を発表-----ソフトエネルギー、2007/12/28

200 wind turbines plan for North Sea / クリッピング The Observer(英北海で200基の大型海上風力発電所計画進行中)-----ソフトエネルギー、2007/10/16

Massive Offshore Wind Turbines Safe for Birds  / クリッピング Technology Review (洋上の風車におけるバードストライクの研究)-----ソフトエネルギー、2007/02/15

4coffshore.com : Offshore Wind Farm

European Wind Atlas

「風」に接続-----Ourworld 2.0,2009年03月09日


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この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 欧州風力エネルギー協会 European Wind Energy Association、2010年上半期の洋上風車 Offshore wind の記録的な進行を報告:

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