アベンゴアソーラー Abengoa Solar、マスダール Masdarと中東地域最大となる太陽熱発電施設 Shams -1 建設の共同開発へ
スペインのアベンゴアソーラー社は、アブダビのマスダールシティ建設計画を進める、エネルギー産業および研究機関などを統合する世界の中心となることを目指すマスダール Masdarと中東最大となる100MWの太陽熱発電所 Shams -1 の建設のための共同運用会社を設立することを発表しました。建設は今年から建設しはじめ、2012年の運転開始を目指すということです。100MWのシステムは、約2.5平方kmの広さで、建設用地はアブダビから南西に120km離れたMadinat Zayedという場所ということです。Shamsとはsun-太陽の意味だということです。
プレスリリース / Abengoa Solar,June 9, 2010
・Abengoa Solar partners with Total and Masdar to build, own and operate the first large scale Solar Power Plant in the Middle East
" The Shams -1 concentrating solar power plant, with 100 megawatts of power output capacity, will be operational in 2012. Abengoa Solar and Total will own and operate the Shams-1 project in a joint venture with Masdar.・The Shams -1 concentrating solar power plant, with 100 megawatts of power output capacity, will be operational in 2012.
・Abengoa Solar and Total will own and operate the Shams-1 project in a joint venture with Masdar.The bidding consortium of Abengoa Solar and Total has been selected in the competitive international Shams -1 tender by Abu Dhabi’s future energy company Masdar to enter with Masdar into a joint venture to develop, own and operate in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi the largest solar plant in the Middle East. Featuring some 6,300,000 square-feet of Abengoa Solar parabolic trough collectors, the plant will have a 100 megawatts capacity of clean solar power.
With construction beginning in mid 2010, the Shams concentrating solar power (CSP) station will be operational in 2012 and will cover 741 acres of desert. The plant will produce enough electricity to power 62,000 households with sustainable energy. The Shams -1 plant represents one of the first steps in the region towards the introduction of sustainable energy sources in an energy market which until now has depended mostly on hydrocarbons. To make solar power generation viable, the Government of Abu Dhabi has approved for the Shams -1 project a solar incentive premium in the form of a long term Green Power Agreement.
The 60 per cent of Shams -1, sun in Arabic, will be owned by Masdar while an Abengoa Solar and Total joint venture will own the other 40 per cent.
-----image : 同リリースより
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・Masdar Partners with Total and Abengoa Solar-----Masdar,10 Jun 2010
アベンゴアソーラー Abengoa Solarは、太陽熱発電のさまざまな方式の発電所を世界中で建設してきています。Parabolic Trough Technology、Tower Technology、Propietary C.S.P Technologyなどさまざまな技術を確立しています。
なかでも2011年に完成予定のアリゾナに建設中の280MWの溶融塩を過熱し蓄熱槽内で熱交換をして蒸気タービンを回すという方式のConcentrating Solar Power (CSP)方式の太陽熱発電所は、今後Masdarだけでなく、昼夜を通して発電できるということで世界中で建設されそうな勢いです。(t_t)
・APS Announces New Solar Power Plant, Among World's Largest-----APS,February 21, 2008
" ..... Arizona Public Service Co. (APS) today announced plans for one of the world’s largest solar facilities - a 280-megawatt (MW) concentrating solar power (CSP) plant to be built 70 miles southwest of Phoenix, near Gila Bend, Ariz.The Solana Generating Station will produce enough energy to serve 70,000 APS customers when operating at full capacity. The plant will be built by Abengoa Solar Inc., and is scheduled to provide renewable energy beginning in 2011. Spanish for “sunny place,” Solana will not emit greenhouse gases and will provide APS with more solar electricity per customer than any utility in the U.S. The facility also would be the largest solar power plant in the world if in operation today..... "
APS Announces New Solar Power Plant, Among World's Largest
Masdar City Fly-Through
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