« アサヒビール、農研機構九州沖縄農業研究センターと共同で高バイオマス量サトウキビにより、砂糖を確保しつつバイオエタノールを大量に生産できるシステムを開発 | トップページ | 新潟県松之山温泉でバイナリー地熱発電の実証研究が行われます »

ケープウィンド Cape Wind、米国初となるケープコッドの洋上ウィンドファームに130基のシーメンス製3.6MW風力発電機を採用

 建設されればアメリカ初となるマサチューセッツ州東端のケープコッドのウィンドファームは、市民から政治家までさまざまなレベルでの誘致および反対運動の長きにわたる対立を経て、3月末に計画の推進団体のケープウィンド Cape Wind が3月31日にシーメンスの3.6MWの大型風力発電機130基を採用、同社との合意に至ったことを発表しました。


Nine-year wind farm fight splits Cape Cod-----CNN,April 20, 2010


-----image : Google Map : Cape Windより

プレスリリース / Cape Wind,March 31, 2010
Cape Wind Signs Agreement to Buy Siemens 3.6-MW Offshore Wind Turbines

" Siemens Commits to Open a U.S. Offshore Wind Office in Boston
Cape Wind announced today it has entered into an agreement with Siemens to supply 130 of its 3.6-Megawatt (MW) turbines for America’s first planned offshore wind farm off the coast of Massachusetts and, at the same time, Siemens also announced plans to open a U.S. Offshore Wind office in Boston.
The Siemens 3.6-MW offshore wind turbines are an industry ‘workhorse’ with 1,000 units sold and 150 units installed and successfully operating.

“While the onshore wind industry is well developed in the U.S., the United States offshore wind resources still offer a vast, untapped source of renewable energy potential. The final approval of the Cape Wind offshore wind farm will be key to the success of the offshore wind industry in the U.S.,” Randy Zwirn, President and CEO of Siemens Energy, Inc. stated.
.......... "

-Cape Wind Statement on Advisory Council on Historic Preservation-----Cape Wind,April 02, 2010

Cape Wind Signs Agreement to Buy Siemens 3.6-MW Offshore Wind Turbines-----Clean Power Now,MARCH 31, 2010

Siemens : Wind Power / SWT-3-6-107

-----image : 上記ページより
/ Siemens AG : Wind Turbines

Nantucket wind farm: Decision expected this month-----Energy Digital,Apr 15, 2010

Siemens to provide 3.6-MW turbines to Cape Wind and plans to open Boston office-----Offshore Wind,31 March, 2010

For Cape Cod Wind Farm, New Hurdle Is Spiritual-----NewYork Times,January 4, 2010

Cape Wind Offshore Wind Farm Clears Another Permitting Hurdle-----TreeHugger,03.16.2009

GGCWiki : Yes, we support Wind Turbines.

Cape Wind’s Nstar Deal May Spur Financing of U.S. Offshore Farm-----Bloomberg,Feb 16, 2012

Forget Cape Wind: The First Offshore Wind Turbine In The U.S. May Be Off The Coast Of... Texas?-----Fastcompany,Aug 16, 2011

「米国初の洋上風力発電」:反対運動で難航-----WIRED Archives,2010/5/13-----( US approves its first offshore wind farm at Cape Cod 2010/04)



Production from Developing Manteo Prospect Offshore North Carolina vs. Equivalent Wind Farm----- Institute for Energy Research (IER),April 14, 2010

Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound / Top 10 Myths About Cape Wind

" 1. Cape Wind would reduce consumer costs .
2. Cape Wind is an environmentally benign project and would not harm local fisheries.
3. Cape Wind would be virtually invisible on the horizon.
4. Cape Wind would reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
5. Cape Wind would create local jobs and increase local tourism.
6. Cape Wind would not be subsidized.
7. Cape Wind is not a threat to air and sea navigation.
8. Cape Wind would markedly reduce local air pollution and presents a solution to global warming.
9. Local Cape and Islands residents support Cape Wind.
10. Cape Wind has cleared most regulatory hurdles. "

/ Future Technology
" Geothermal
Wave and Tidal "(代替案の代替案!)

1 Offshore Natural Gas Platform = 59 Cape Wind Projects


Cape Wind: The Fight for the Future of Power in America



デンマーク、世界最大の洋上風力発電所群の設置を完了。91基、209MWのOffshore wind farmの壮観-----ソフトエネルギー、2009/09/25

ナショナルジオグラフィック ニュース、April 30, 2010

Interior Department Approves Cape Wind, the First U.S. Offshore Wind Farm-----EERE News,May 05, 2010

・Twitter greenpost : Interior’s Salazar Said to Approve First Offshore Wind Farm---Bloomberg.com http://bit.ly/9VUR1f ;参考-ソフトエネルギー http://bit.ly/bbpsf4 #renewusa(April 28)

Cape Wind Project: Everything You Need To Know (PHOTOS)-----Huffington Post,04-28-10

" Cape Wind will be the country's first offshore wind farm. The US Department Of Energy predicts that offshore wind farms alone will handle 4% of the country's electricity generating capacity by 2030. "


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« アサヒビール、農研機構九州沖縄農業研究センターと共同で高バイオマス量サトウキビにより、砂糖を確保しつつバイオエタノールを大量に生産できるシステムを開発 | トップページ | 新潟県松之山温泉でバイナリー地熱発電の実証研究が行われます »




この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: ケープウィンド Cape Wind、米国初となるケープコッドの洋上ウィンドファームに130基のシーメンス製3.6MW風力発電機を採用:

« アサヒビール、農研機構九州沖縄農業研究センターと共同で高バイオマス量サトウキビにより、砂糖を確保しつつバイオエタノールを大量に生産できるシステムを開発 | トップページ | 新潟県松之山温泉でバイナリー地熱発電の実証研究が行われます »