" GE (NYSE: GE) today announced plans to invest approximately (ユーロ記号)340 million to develop or expand its wind turbine manufacturing, engineering and service facilities in four European countries?the United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden and Germany?signaling GE’s deep commitment to the promising European offshore wind sector.
“Offshore wind will play a vital role in meeting the growing global demand for cleaner, renewable energy and has a bright future here in Europe,” said Ferdinando (Nani) Beccalli-Falco, president and CEO of GE International. “These investments will position us to help develop Europe’s vast, untapped offshore wind resources, while also creating new jobs for both GE and our suppliers.”
The European Wind Energy Association expects that Europe’s offshore wind sector will grow more than 70% in 2010, with continued growth forecast over the next several years. If all of the offshore wind projects currently in development are completed, they could produce 10% of the European Union’s total electricity while avoiding 200 million tons of CO2 emissions each year. Overall, offshore wind is expected to make a major contribution in helping the European Union reach its goal to have 20% of its energy produced from renewable resources by the year 2020.
Key elements of GE’s European expansion announcement include:
GE will add to its existing presence in Norway with plans to create a new Offshore Technology Development Center in Oslo and will expand its advanced demonstration unit production and service facilities in Verdal. GE also has joined the Nowitech Research Center in Norway to participate in joint research projects on offshore wind topics. Norway is the planned site for the testing and demonstration of the first 4-megawatt wind turbines offshore. This will result in approximately 100 jobs and a ?75 million investment related to GE’s offshore wind business in Norway by 2016.
In Sweden, GE also will expand its current offshore wind facilities by developing a Conceptual and Systems Design Center in Karlstad, Sweden. A technology demonstration unit is planned to be installed in Gothenburg harbor, and GE also will join the Chalmers Wind Energy Center in Gothenburg. This will result in approximately 50 jobs and a ?50 million investment related to GE’s offshore wind business in Sweden by 2016.
A new engineering center in Hamburg will feature product development, application engineering and advanced technology. GE also plans to expand its resources at its existing wind turbine manufacturing facility in Salzbergen, as well as the GE Global Research Center in Munich. This will result in approximately 100 jobs and a ?105 million investment related to GE’s offshore wind business in Germany by 2016.
United Kingdom
GE plans to establish its offshore wind turbine manufacturing in the United Kingdom. In addition, GE will locate application and service engineering resources in the country and will bring partners and suppliers of towers, blades, nacelles and other offshore wind components to the manufacturing facility. The plan will result in up to ?110 million investment related to GE’s offshore wind business in the United Kingdom and could ultimately deliver nearly 2,000 jobs by 2020. This investment will follow the successful outcome of the U.K. government’s infrastructure competition, aimed at supporting the development of renewable energy in the United Kingdom.
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海洋温度差発電は、欧文ではOcean thermal energy conversion(OTEC)です。ゼネシス社は、佐賀大学のわが国の海洋温度差発電の第一人者である上原春男教授の研究成果をもとに海洋温度差発電に取り組んでいるということです。上原春男教授は、海洋温度差発電推進機構の理事長として、同技術の普及に努めておられます。
米の環境団体Environment Americaは、太陽光、太陽熱発電などのソーラーエネルギーでアメリカの消費電力の10%を賄うことができるというリポートを発表しました。タイトルは、Building a Solar Future。リポートが設定するタイムテーブルでは、2030にその数値を達成しうるとし、すでに再生可能エネルギーの中でも太陽熱利用は、その価格、製造エネルギーにおいて、化石燃料を凌駕する”エネルギーの生産性”を獲得できるとしています。
" Senator Bernie Sanders (VT) and three solar business executives joined Environment America to lay out a bold new vision for solar energy in the United States. From laundromats and baseball stadiums, to homes and cars, generating energy from the sun is already enhancing energy security and reducing pollution in America. A new Environment America report outlines a vision for using the sun to meet 10 percent of the United States’ energy needs by 2030.
“Americans today import oil from a desert half a world away, in the most unsettled and dangerous region of the earth, just to power a trip to the grocery store,” said Sean Garren, “It would be much easier and more secure to harness the heat and light that strikes our rooftops every day,” he added.
“At a time when we spend $350 billion importing oil from Saudi Arabia and other countries every year, the United States must move away from foreign oil to energy independence,” Senator Sanders said. “A dramatic expansion of solar power is a clean and economical way to help break our dependence on foreign oil, reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming, improve our geopolitical position, and create good-paying green jobs.”
Building a Solar Future: Repowering America’s Homes, Businesses and Industry with Solar Energy examines a wide variety of solar technologies and tools, including photovoltaics, concentrating solar power, solar water heaters, solar space heating, and passive solar design. The report makes the case that there are many ways to take advantage of the sun’s energy. Solar energy can be converted to electricity, or used for lighting, heating and cooling. It can replace the fossil fuels we burn at electric power plants, in factories, in our homes, and even in our cars. While the report outlines this vision for the future, it also profiles various applications of solar energy currently in use, such as:
・Wal-Mart’s use of skylights in has cut energy costs in some stores by 15 to 20 percent by reducing the need for electric lighting;
・Laundry facilities, hotels, hospitals and even the Boston Red Sox have adopted solar water heating to reduce their consumption of natural gas for water heating; and
・A Frito-Lay plant in California uses solar concentrators to provide heat for cooking snack foods.
The report finds that getting 10 percent of our energy from solar energy within two decades is equivalent to the energy that the U.S. currently produces at nuclear power plants, more than half the energy currently consumed in American cars and light trucks, or nearly half as much energy as we currently obtain from burning coal. Solar energy can play a major role in weaning the nation from dangerous, polluting, unstable and, in many cases, increasingly expensive forms of energy.
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" Developing an onshore and offshore Grid is a priority to allow Scotland to develop and deliver its offshore renewable energy potential. It can be a key building block to export Scotland's renewable energy to national electricity grids in the UK and Europe.
Scotland has a clear, competitive advantage across the range of renewable technologies - with up to 25 per cent of Europe's offshore wind, wave and tidal energy potential. It is vital that we harness our renewables resources, and develop a grid infrastructure so that we can export the massive quantities of green energy Scotland is capable of producing.
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" 自然エネルギーの発電所マップです。リストは、風力・太陽光・地熱の順で並んでます。誰でも編集可能です。どんどん追加お願いします。リストは2ページにまたがっているので、太陽光・地熱はリスト最下部の2ページ目をクリックしないと見られません。大規模からバス停用の小さなものまでいろいろあって楽しいよ。- Public Created on Feb 11
By Gaku - Open Collaboration "
" Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding (Mitsui), one of the largest and leading heavy industry corporations in Japan, and the Danish bioethanol technology company Inbicon has signed a license agreement for the Inbicon Biomass Refinery technology, a technology capable of converting second generation biomass into fuel ethanol.
The agreement marks the first sale of licensing for Inbicon.
The agreement grants Mitsui the right to build a number of biomass refineries in Southeast Asia using Inbicon’s technology. Mitsui intends to apply the technology in the palm oil industry, where waste products from the palm oil production can be utilized to produce ethanol, solid biofuel for energy production, and animal feed.
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三菱重工、欧州原動機拠点であるMPSE(Mitsubishi Power Systems Europe, Ltd.)が英国政府の補助金を受け、日本メーカー初の洋上風車開発プロジェクトに着手。第1段階では、5,000~7,000kW級の洋上風車実証機を製作・試験し、第2段階では、英国に洋上風車先端技術センターを設置して洋上風車の先端技術を開発するという。
" 三菱重工業の欧州原動機拠点であるMPSE(Mitsubishi Power Systems Europe, Ltd.)は25日、同国政府と覚書(MOU:non binding のMemorandum of Understanding)を締結し、ビジネス・イノベーション省(BIS)から最大3,000万ポンド(約42億円)の補助金を受けて洋上風車の開発プロジェクトに取り組む。今回のMOU締結は、先にMPSEが同国エネルギー・気候変動省(DECC)から同設備の開発で81万ポンドの助成を受けることが決まったのに続くもので、日本メーカーが洋上風車市場に参入するのは今回が初めて。
With global wind turbine leaders such as Vestas, Siemens and General Electric so far snubbing Britain as a manufacturing centre, the Government has signed an agreement that will see Mitsubishi test huge 100 metre-long turbines capable of producing 6 megawatts of electricity ? which, if they work, would be the largest wind turbines so far produced anywhere in the world.
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