昨年末のCOP15の成果は、あまりかんばしくないという話題が、エネルギーと気候変動問題に関心がある人々の間で語られていたとき、ドイツのシュピーゲル誌のサイトに、「Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland and Norway」の北ヨーロッパの9カ国が、北海などのオフショア風力発電とスーパーグリッドにより電力を相互融通できる仕組みを確立するというニュースが伝えられました。COP15の結果にかかわらず、欧州は気候変動とエネルギー問題に、”積極的な国々だけでも先行”して取り組むという姿勢として注目すべき記事でした。
" ”It's the right signal at the right time. To provide a timely turnaround with more clean energy, CO2-free power, Europe needs a modern and efficient electricity grid. ”Says Frederick Fuhr, CEO of DESERTEC Foundation. ”We now hope that this is not a regionally-limited project, but also the network expansion in South and Eastern Europe preceded in the same manner as a prerequisite for trans-Mediterranean market for renewable energy."
Next Frederick calls Fuhr: "We expect the EU and national governments that will be created as part of a transmission network with HVDC lines of an integrated approach is taken into account in the intercontinental links with Africa. Such infrastructure projects of general interest and principle of state responsibility, therefore, also plan by the EU and member states, and finance. ” "-----Google (DE) to (E)より
-----image :「Dii - DESERTEC industrial initiative
Enabling the DESERTEC Concept
- Bringing the Desertec concept into reality: Solar- and Wind Energy from the Deserts in Nourt Africa and the Middle East
Paul van Son(CEO Dii GmbH)
17.Handelsblatt Jahrestagung Energiewiretschaft 2010」(pdf ; //www.desertec.org/fileadmin/downloads/press/DII_Presentation_2010-01-20.pdf)より
" 1月18日(月曜日)(現地時間同日)、ブルンジ共和国の首都ブジュンブラにおいて、我が方岩谷滋雄駐ブルンジ国大使(ケニアにて兼轄)と先方オーギュスタン・ンサンゼ外務・国際協力大臣(S.E.M. Augustin Nsanze, Ministre des Relations Extrieures et de la Coopration Internationale)との間で、5億4,000万円の環境プログラム無償資金協力「太陽光を活用したクリーンエネルギー導入計画」(le Projet de Promotion de l’nergie Propre en Utilisant le Systme Solaire Photovoltaque)に関する書簡の交換が行われました。
我が国は、2008年5月の第4回アフリカ開発会議(TICAD IV)等において、アフリカ諸国の気候変動対策における取組への協力を強化することを表明しており、本件協力はその支援策を具体化するものです。
(参考) ブルンジ共和国はアフリカ中部に位置し、面積は2.78万平方キロメートルを有し、人口は約807万人(世銀、2008)、一人当たりGNI(国民総所得)は約140米ドル(世銀、2008)。
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-----image(”All commercial installations will be mounted on the seabed”) : news: press releasesより
" The world is now witnessing the emergence of a new renewable energy market with the announcement that Irish company OpenHydro, has successfully deployed the first commercial scale in-stream tidal turbine in the Bay of Fundy, Canada, on behalf of its customer, Nova Scotia Power.
-----image(”OpenHydro Installer heading to site for first successful deployment”) : 同リリースより
" NS Power and its tidal technology partner OpenHydro have successfully deployed the first commercial scale in-stream tidal turbine in the Bay of Fundy today. The one-megawatt commercial scale turbine reached the Fundy Ocean Research Centre for Energy (FORCE) deployment site, in the Minas Passage, yesterday afternoon and began preparations for deployment. The turbine was fully deployed just before 2:00 today and is now operational, rotating with the tides, collecting data, and producing energy.
“Today begins a very important period of testing that we believe will demonstrate that tidal energy can be part of Nova Scotia’s renewable energy future,” said Rob Bennett, President and CEO of Nova Scotia Power. “Working with OpenHydro, we are proud to be the first to deploy and test a commercial scale tidal turbine in the Bay of Fundy and look forward to the learnings ahead.”
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アブダビ Abu Dhabiで進められている再生可能エネルギーや情報と流通を総合的に開発するAbu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar)の日本の技術が生きたビームダウン型太陽熱発電施設がマスダールシティに完成したということです。コスモ石油、MASDARならび東京工業大学の共同研究開発契約により建設が進められていたもので、以前の情報は下のエントリーに詳しいです。
" Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s multifaceted renewable energy initiative, the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, Japan’s Cosmo Oil Company and the Tokyo Institute of Technology have launched an advanced concentrated solar power (CSP) Central Tower research and development project at Masdar City.
The state-of-the-art, collaborative research project will test an innovative ‘beam down’ technology, which has the potential to convert solar irradiation into electricity in a more efficient way than other technologies - producing a commercially viable ‘beam down’ process would represent a significant breakthrough in (CSP) technology.
The ‘beam down’ process inverts conventional tower solar tower technologies, which uses mirrors (heliostats) to direct the sun’s rays onto a receiver at the top of a central tower to heat a heat transfer fluid (molten salt, oil, or water) in order to generate steam, which is then used to drive a steam turbine. By placing the receiver at the base of the tower (ground level), the research team believes that they can reduce energy losses resulting from pumping the fluid to an elevated receiver, raising operational efficiency and lowering electricity generation costs.
The research agreement between Masdar, Cosmo Oil and the Tokyo Institute of Technology is the most recent component of an ongoing effort by the UAE to position itself as a global leader in the area of renewable energy technologies, which began with the establishment of the Masdar Initiative in 2006. Earlier last year, the leadership of Abu Dhabi committed itself to a 7% renewable energy target by the year 2020 and Abu Dhabi was selected to host the headquarters of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in Masdar City.
For his part Hiroyuki WADA General Manager, Future Energy Division, International Ventures Dept. Cosmo Oil Co., Ltd. said: “We are proud to be working with Masdar and the Tokyo Institute of Technology on such a progressive project. The realities of global climate change has highlighted the importance for financially viable alternative sources of energy and the development of ‘beam down’ technology has the potential to be revolutionise the CSP sector.”
About Masdar
Masdar is Abu Dhabi’s multi-faceted initiative advancing the development, commercialisation and deployment of renewable and alternative energy technologies and solutions. Masdar is driven by the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (ADFEC), a wholly owned company of the government of Abu Dhabi through the Mubadala Development Company.
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" .....VERTICAL-STALK FLAPPING-LEAF GENERATOR FOR WIND ENERGY HARVESTING[Publications:Li S., Lipson H., (2009) "Vertical-Stalk Flapping-Leaf Generator For Parallel Wind Energy Harvesting", Proceedings of the ASME/AIAA 2009 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems,SMASIS2009 September 20-24, 2009, Oxnard, California, USA(PDF)]..... "
-----image : 上記資料「Vertical-Stalk Flapping-Leaf Generator For Parallel Wind Energy Harvesting」 //ccsl.mae.cornell.edu/sites/default/files/SMASIS2009_LI.pdfより
シャープは、イタリアEnel社傘下の再生可能エネルギー企業Enel greenpower(EGP)などと薄膜太陽電池の生産事業をイタリアのシチリア州カターニア県で2011年中の稼動をめざして合弁契約の手続きに入ったということです。また、太陽光発電事業に関する合弁会社ES Solar Farms S.r.l.をEGPと設立、地中海沿岸国を中心に、イタリア、フランス、スペイン、ギリシャなど地中海地域へ発電事業を展開を行うということです。
こんなビデオクリップを見つけました。アメリカ東部のアパラチア地方のコールリバーの風力発電所の建設計画を呼びかけるもので、COP15の直前に公開されたGoogle Earth : Climate change in Google Earthに収められていたものです。同地方では、石炭の採掘が盛んで、露天掘りが行われていますが、そこに産業として風力発電事業を呼び込むことで、より環境に配慮し地域の振興を可能にするということをコンパクトにまとめてあります。石炭の露天掘りは、昔から大規模な環境破壊や鉱夫の肺疾患などの健康被害が問題になっています。それに代替する産業としてのメリットが強調されています。
" A stupid multiple-choice test Do you prefer to die of: 1.Clomate chante? 2.Oil wars? 3.Nuclear holocaust? The right answer, often left out, is: 4.N..... "