« オバマ大統領、スマートグリッドに34億ドル、約3100億円を助成すると発表 | トップページ | サンヨー電機、創エネ・蓄エネ・省エネ技術を融合した施設用エネルギーマネージメントシステム事業に参入 »


 スコットランドなどで洋上風車の実績をもつスコットランドのSeaEnergy社が、将来の600MWにもおよぶ大規模導入に向けて、台湾のTaiwan Generations Corporation社と共同開発を開始するということです。

プレスリリース / SeaEnergy PLC,27 OCTOBER 2009
SeaEnergy and TGC announce agreement to develop offshore windfarms in Taiwan

" SeaEnergy PLC and Taiwan Generations Corporation (“TGC”) are delighted to announce that they have concluded a Heads of Terms Agreement (the “Agreement”) under which they will undertake the joint development of TGC’s pipeline of offshore windfarm projects.
Under the terms of the Agreement, signed by TGC and SeaEnergy PLC’s subsidiary SeaEnergy Renewables Limited (“SERL”), the companies will work on a variety of projects, commencing with the Changhua Offshore Windfarm (the “Project”), which it is planned will have an installed capacity of up to 600MW.
Combining SeaEnergy Renewables’ offshore development expertise with TGC’s pipeline of projects, local knowledge and experience, the partners will jointly plan, construct and operate offshore windfarms in Taiwan.
The Changhua Offshore Windfarm will be located in the Taiwan Strait off Changhua county on the West Coast of Taiwan, about 2.5 to 10 km from shore in water depths up to 30m. The windfarm will initially be jointly owned by TGC and SERL, and may in the future, include other strategic investors as the development progresses. The Agreement provides SeaEnergy with the right to retain a 25% working interest in the windfarm developments.
The Project is expected to require modest initial investment, by both companies, to complete studies, already commenced, which are required to gain a franchise - which equates to regulatory consent - from the Taiwanese Government.
The Taiwan Government has set a target of 15%, or 8,450MW, of Taiwan’s electricity to be generated from renewable resources by 2025. The offshore wind potential has been recognised by the Taiwan Government as offering the fastest gateway to attain such a goal. Taiwan Government foresees a potential of at least 3,000MW of offshore wind power.
The Taiwan Government passed the Renewable Energy Act in July 2009. It is anticipated that the associated feed-in tariff system will be announced by January 2010.
.......... "

A New Era of Wind Turbines


Offshore Wind Project Planned for Taiwan-----Renewable Energy World,2009/10/27


 Changhua Offshore Windfarm-----Taiwan Strait off Changhua county on the West Coast of Taiwan

-----image : Google Map.[? Changhua Offshore Windfarm]


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« オバマ大統領、スマートグリッドに34億ドル、約3100億円を助成すると発表 | トップページ | サンヨー電機、創エネ・蓄エネ・省エネ技術を融合した施設用エネルギーマネージメントシステム事業に参入 »




この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: スコットランドのSeaEnergy社、台湾のオフショア風力、将来の大規模導入に向けて始動:

« オバマ大統領、スマートグリッドに34億ドル、約3100億円を助成すると発表 | トップページ | サンヨー電機、創エネ・蓄エネ・省エネ技術を融合した施設用エネルギーマネージメントシステム事業に参入 »