President Obama Explains the Smart Grid and Economic Recovery
これがオバマ大統領のグリーンニューディール政策の柱か! というプランがようやく動きだしました。フロリダ州の巨大な太陽光発電所前での演説は、鮮烈な印象のメッセージです。グーグルのパワーメータープランのようなスマートメーターから、電力網の整備や需給調整にかかわるさまざまな広範な技術開発が促進されることになりそうです。
・President Obama Announces $3.4 Billion to Spur Smart Electric Grids-----EERE News,October 28, 2009
" President Obama announced the largest single electric grid modernization investment in U.S. history on October 27, with DOE tapping $3.4 billion in American Reinvestment and Recovery Act funds for 100 projects. The funds will be matched by $4.7 billion in private investments. According to the president, the smart grid projects will help build a "clean energy superhighway," with a goal of increasing energy efficiency and helping to spur the growth of renewable energy resources such as wind and solar power. The grants range from $400,000 to $200 million, and will reach every state except Alaska.The smart grid grants will pay for installing more than 2.5 million smart meters, which allow utility customers to access dynamic pricing information and avoid periods of peak electricity use, when power is most expensive. The grants will also support the installation of other smart grid components, including more than 1 million in-home energy displays, 170,000 smart thermostats, and 175,000 other load control devices to enable consumers to reduce their energy use. The funding will help expand the market for smart washers, dryers, and dishwashers, so that U.S. residents can further control their energy use and lower their electricity bills. Such smart grid technologies can also better accommodate the use of plug-in electric vehicles and the production of renewable energy from customer-owned systems, such as solar power systems or wind turbines.
.......... "
・Department of Energy - Recovery and Reinvestment
-----image : smartgrid_maps(SmartGridGrantLocations.pdf : www.energy.gov/recovery/smartgrid_maps/SmartGridGrantLocations.pdfより
" [Smart Grid Investment Grants]
Type 100 Projects
Adobanced Metering Infrastructure
Customer System
Electric System Distribution
Electric Transmission Systems
Equipment Manufacturing
Integrated and/or Crosscutting Systems "
・President Obama Announces $3.4 Billion in Smart Grid Grants - See List of Projects Here-----Clean Edge,October 28, 2009
・次世代送電線網 米34億ドル投資へ-----YOMIURI ONLINE,2009/10/28
おりしも、イギリスでもGoogleのパワーメーターの話題が報道されていました。なかなか見事な展開に思えます。日本でパワーメーターが導入できるような状況になるのか? 注目です。
・Powermeter: Google's household energy monitor arrives in UK-----guardian.co.uk,28 October 2009
・グーグル、パワーメーター 計り管理することで、電力の消エネが達成できる! Google、米、印、加の電力8社と提携を発表-----しなやかな技術研究会、2009/05/29
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