オンラインで読めるイギリス風力発電協会の情報誌「Real Power」
イギリス風力発電協会(British Wind Energy Association)が発行している英国風力発電の情報誌「Real Power」は、オンラインで読むことができる本格的な風力発電に関する雑誌です。季刊で、eBook形式で読める最新号Issue 17はなんと80ページもあります。充実した風力発電に関する記事、そして興味深い広告を見たり、拡大してじっくり読むことができます。
・British Wind Energy Association(BWEA) /
Real Power
" Real Power is the quarterly newsletter from BWEA, aimed at members, stakeholders and anyone with an interest in the progress of the wind and marine renewables industries in the UK.
Latest IssueIssue 17 (ebook)
Recommended reading:
Wind Energy in Britain: The Key Issues
Interview with Guy Parker, ASA Chief Executive on advertising and wind farms
Construction in action - Gunfleet Sands - first Round 2 turbine
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-----image : Real Powe Issue 17 カバー
/ eBook(最新号閲覧)
-----image : 上 - Real Powe Issue 17の一覧表示、下 - 個別ページの表示-----
" Report emphasises importance of timely progress and right policy framework
10% of electricity to be met eventually, but important to draw lessons ahead of 2009
England's regions are set to comprehensively miss their targets on generating electricity from renewables, according to the latest report from BWEA ‘England’s Regional Renewable Energy Targets: Progress Report’. The UK has a target to generate 10% of its electricity from renewables by 2010. All the eight English regions plus London have their own individual targets in order to reach the total. The BWEA report states that on average across England only 50% of the renewable electricity generation will be met, with some regions such as the South West failing to reach even a third.The report shows that overall the target will only be met because both Scotland and Northern Ireland are set to outstrip their own targets. However, it reveals that a slow and ineffective local planning system in England and Wales is tying down wind farm planning applications for an average of 14 months, against a statutory guideline period of 16 weeks. It also shows that around a half of wind farm applications taken to appeal for refusal or non-determination are then approved, raising doubts about the ability of local planning authorities to deliver the nation's renewables programme.
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・BWEA : Embracewind / wind farm finder
・European Wind Energy Association
・スイスの重工業大手「ABB」を含む欧州の12の大企業が協力して、ヨーロッパの電力需要の15%をまかなう大型太陽光発電計画がスタートした。-----IB Times,2009年07月27日
・Global Wind Energy Council : Wind Power Works / 12 Case Studies
/ 12 Case Study : Burbo Bank, United Kingdom
・世界のオフショア・ウィンドファーム 広がるか洋上風力-----自然エネルギー、2009/08/20
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