ケニアのウィンドファーム建設計画。アフリカ大陸最大、 365基300MW規模
ケニアのLake Turkanaに、850KW * 365基で合計300MWの巨大なウィンドファームが建設されようとしています。ケニアのTurkana湖の南東のMt. Kulal近郊に2012年7月の完成を目指しつつ、できあがったものから来年より運転を開始し、国の電力の30%を賄うアフリカ最大のウィンドファームプロジェクトであるということです。
-----image : Google Earthキャプチャ画像。[ケニア、Lake Turkana]-----
News / Lake Turkana Wind Power,11 Aug 08
・Kenya ranked 5th worldwide and No. 1 in Africa in Wind Power Generation Projects
" In a bid to combat the country's growing demand for power whilst still standing firm in the battle against global warming, Kenya has announced that it is to create the largest wind-farm on the continent.365 giant wind turbines are to be constructed around Lake Turkana in northern Kenya at a cost of over GBP £533m. When completed in 2012, farm will be capable of producing 300MW making the wind-farm of the largest producers of national grid-fed wind energy anywhere in the world.
The scheme, currently titled the Lake Turkana Wind Power (LTWP) project is being funded by a Dutch consortium and it has already leased 66,000 hectares of land for the farm's construction. Situated next to the world's largest desert lake, the farm will be fed by winds that blow consistently all year round by hot winds being channeled between the Kenyan and Ethiopian highlands.
A second wind-farm has been proposed, to be constructed near the tourist town of Naivasha.
Kenya is already a leader of renewable energy with three quarters of the country's energy coming from hydro-power and a further 11percent coming from geothermal sources.
Until now, only Morocco and Egypt had implemented wind energy projects on any significant scale, but now demand is booming as governments on the continent realise the benefits of both solar and wind projects to meet the ever growing energy demand. A week ago, Germany unveiled plans to develop a 400 billion euro solar park in the Sahara desert. "
・Africa’s biggest wind farm to be built in Kenya-----COP15 COPENHAGEN,28/07/2009
・Africa’s biggest wind farm coming up in Kenya-----Alternative Energy News,August 5th, 2009
Reducing water levels in Lake Turkana
Kenya Hydro Power
・Going geothermal in Kenya-----YouTube : AFP,2008年10月09日
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