« 小水力開発支援協会が小水力導入のための相談窓口を開設 | トップページ | 東京都、波力発電検討会をたちあげ。ブイ型の波力発電装置を検討? »

米の風力マーケットリポート、2008 Wind Technologies Market Reportが公開されました

 アメリカ、エネルギー省によると、2008年の風力発電の単年度の追加設備容量は、8,558 MWに達し(以前のデーターより以前のリポートより増えています)、風力発電の総設備容量は、25,369 MWに達したということです。

プレスリリース / U.S. Department of Energy,July 16, 2009
DOE Announces Nearly $14 Million to go to 28 New Wind Energy Projects

" New DOE Study Shows U.S. Leads the World in Wind Energy Capacity
U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced the selection of 28 new wind energy projects for up to $13.8 million in funding ? including $12.8 million in Recovery Act funds. These projects will help address market and deployment challenges including wind turbine research and testing and transmission analysis, planning, assessments. Along with the new awards, Secretary Chu announced the release of DOE’s 2008 Wind Technologies Market Report, detailing $16 billion in investment in wind projects made in the U.S. in 2008 ? making the U.S. the leader in annual wind energy capacity growth, as well as cumulative wind energy capacity.

“American families and businesses are struggling in a recession and an increasingly competitive global economy. The Recovery Act was designed to rescue the economy from the immediate dangers it faces while rebuilding its fundamentals, with an eye toward new industry and opportunity,” Secretary Chu said. “To help meet these challenges, the Recovery Act invests significant dollars to put people to work to spur a revolution in clean energy technologies.”

“Wind energy will be a critical factor in achieving the President’s goals for clean energy, while supporting news jobs,” said Secretary Chu. “While the United States leads the world in wind energy capacity, we have to continue to support research and development as we expand renewable energy deployment.”

DOE’s new report, a comprehensive overview of developments in the U.S. wind power market released today, found that wind power capacity increased by 8,558 megawatts (MW) in 2008. This $16 billion investment in wind projects made the U.S. the fastest-growing wind power market in the world for the fourth consecutive year. Wind power contributed 42% of all new U.S. electric generating capacity in 2008; for the fourth consecutive year, wind power was the second-largest new resource added to the U.S. electrical grid in nameplate capacity.
 Download the full 2008 Wind Technologies Market Report
,,,,,,,,,, "

Us2008windmarketreport-----image : 2008 Wind Technologies Market Reportカバー

New Study Sheds Light on the Growing U.S. Wind Power Market-----Lawrence Berkeley National Lab,July 16, 2009

Electricity Markets and Policy : Renewable Energy Publications / 2008 Wind Technologies Market Report
Wiser, R., and M. Bolinger. July 2009 1.9 MB PDF

U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratory : Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

 このリポート2008 Wind Technologies Market Reportの図をご覧いただきたい。ブッシュ政権下で風力は卓越した開発がなされてきたことがわかります。

-----image : P.10「Figure 1. Annual and Cumulative Growth in U.S. Wind Power Capacity」



U.S. Department of Energy : Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program / 20% Wind Energy by 2030

AWEA - One Bolt At A Time

アメリカの風力発電の導入量が一目でわかる地図 1999 - 2009 Animated Map-----自然エネルギー、2009/07/28

アメリカの風力発電が、ドイツを抜いて世界一の規模に。25,170 MW!-----ソフトエネルギー、2009/02/06


[風力発電 Wind Power / ブックマーク]


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« 小水力開発支援協会が小水力導入のための相談窓口を開設 | トップページ | 東京都、波力発電検討会をたちあげ。ブイ型の波力発電装置を検討? »




この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 米の風力マーケットリポート、2008 Wind Technologies Market Reportが公開されました:

« 小水力開発支援協会が小水力導入のための相談窓口を開設 | トップページ | 東京都、波力発電検討会をたちあげ。ブイ型の波力発電装置を検討? »