ウェールズが2025年までに、年に3%の温暖化効果ガス削減を確実に進め、さらに再生可能エネルギー、そして総合的な省エネ対策を進めることにより、80-90%の温暖化効果ガス削減と地域内エネルギー自給を完成させる意欲的なプラン”One Wales: One Planet”を公表。このプランは、2025年までに70%、さらに2050年までに100%のカーボンニュートラルな社会を実現するという総合的なマスタープランとなっています。イギリス国内だけでなく、世界に大きく影響を与えアピールする意欲的な内容となっています。
Topics / Welsh Assembly Government,22-05-2009
・One Wales: One Planet: A new sustainable development scheme for Wales
-----image : Welsh Assembly Governmentのサイトキャプチャー画像
" Welsh Assembly Government
Sustainable Development Scheme Consultation Events "
-----image : One Wales: One Planet: Consultation on a new sustainable development scheme for Walesカバー
" One Wales: One Planet: Consultation on a new sustainable development scheme for Walesより
Our Vision of a Sustainable Wales
radically reduce by 80-90% our use of carbon-based energy, resulting in a
similar reduction our greenhouse gas emissions. This reflects the latest
estimates for action needed to address damaging climate change. It would
build on our existing 3% per annum reduction target in Wales and our
ambitions to make all new buildings zero carbon buildings and to move to
producing as much electricity from renewable sources by 2025 as we
Renewable energy - Through our Renewable Energy Routemap and
Microgeneration Action Plan we aspire to see Community-scale renewable
energy installations, and the use of household-level micro-generation,
marine renewable energy and biomass energy become more common.
Our aim is to generate annually more than 30TWh of electricity from
renewable sources by 2025 and 3 TWh of heat, mainly from biomass. Our
aim is to produce more electricity from renewables than we consume as a
nation within 20 years. The planning system, which fully recognises the
implications of climate change, will facilitate the uptake of energy
efficiency and renewable energy measures and avoid siting new
developments in areas of known flood risk.
・Welsh Assembly Government : Climate Change
・Welsh Assembly Government : Sustainable development
・Energy Wales routemap(20 June 2005)
・Wales to be "self-sustaining" in energy-----Green Futures,23 July 2009
・Wales to be ‘Self-Sustaining’ in Renewable Energy by 2025-----Clean Technica,July 24th, 2009
Ed Miliband, Severn Estuary visit
・Severn Tidal Power Consultation
・Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) / Severn Tidal Power
" The huge 14-metre tidal range of the Severn Estuary is one of the highest in the world. It represents a renewable, predictable resource with the potential (through a tidal power scheme) to generate up to 5 percent of the UK's electricity needs, and so make an important contribution to our renewable target and wider climate change and energy goals. However, much more work is needed to assess the pros and cons of a Severn tidal power scheme before we can make a decision on whether to go ahead with a scheme and if so, which scheme and on what terms. "
・Welsh Assembly Government : Severn Tidal Power
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