プレスリリース / National Academies(the National Research Council),June 15, 2009
" Renewable energy resources in the U.S. are sufficient to meet a significant portion of the nation's electricity needs, says a new report from the National Research Council. Fully taking advantage of these potential low CO2-emitting sources for generating electricity will call for enhanced technologies, increased deployment, financial investments, and implementation of policies to drive increased adoption of renewable electricity. If the use of renewable electricity is to grow significantly, large increases will be required in the manufacture and installation of these technologies, offering significant employment and economic opportunities.
Hydroelectric power is the largest source of renewable electricity in the U.S., generating 7 percent of all U.S. electric power in 2007. Non-hydroelectric renewable resources -- solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass -- account for only 2.5 percent of U.S. electricity, although they have the potential to contribute far more, the report says. Nationally, solar and wind resources, in particular, could offer significant amounts of electrical power.
Technological advancements will continue to be needed to reduce costs and make renewable electricity technologies more efficient, the report says, but even with current technologies, renewable resources could contribute more than they do now. With accelerated deployment, increases in transmission capacity, and other electric-grid improvements, non-hydroelectric renewables could technically contribute up to 10 percent of U.S. electricity by 2020, and 20 percent or more by 2035. However, major scientific advances, and changes to the way we generate, transmit, and use electricity, will be needed before renewables can contribute the majority of U.S. electricity. Necessary improvements include the development of intelligent, two-way electric grids; large-scale and distributed electricity storage; and significantly enhanced, yet cost-effective, long-distance electricity transmission.
Renewable-energy use can have numerous environmental and local impacts. Many of these impacts are positive: Using renewable energy lessens emissions of CO2, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and mercury; consumes less water; and causes less water contamination compared with fossil fuel electricity. However, issues of land use and other local impacts (e.g., noise from wind turbines or potential effects on local weather) will become increasingly important as deployment of renewable technologies grows, the report says.
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・米国で「2020年までに再生可能エネルギー比率10%も達成可能」との予測-----Wited Vision,2009年6月17日
" 電力需要全体に占める再生可能エネルギーの割合を、現在の約2.5%から2020年までに10%に引き上げることが可能との予測が示されている。 "-----http://www.greentechmedia.com/green-light/post/u.s.-could-get-10-renewable-energy-by-2020-if-money-policy-line-up-behind-i/-----Greentech Media,June 15, 2009
" Select a link below to start reading online free!
Front Matter i-xii
Summary 1-12 (skim)
1 Introduction 13-34 (skim)
2 Resource Base 35-46 (skim)
3 Renewable Electricity Generation Technologies 47-92 (skim)
4 Economics of Renewable Electricity 93-132 (skim)
5 Environmental Impacts of Renewable Electricity Generation 133-166 (skim)
6 Deployment of Renewable Electric Energy 167-202 (skim)
7 Scenarios 203-230 (skim)
A America's Energy Future Project 231-234 (skim)
B Panel Biographical Information 235-240 (skim)
C Presentations to the Panel 241-242 (skim)
D Description of State Renewable Portfolio Standards 243-248 (skim)
E Attributes of Life Cycle Assessment 249-250 (skim)
F Atmospheric Emissions from Fossil Fuel and Nuclear Electricity Generation 251-256 (skim)
Figures "-----Table of Contents
今後、日本でも風力や地熱発電の利用が拡大するにつれ、環境への影響や生活環境への弊害などが問題化すると思われます。Environmental Impacts of Renewable Electricity Generation(再生可能エネルギーの発電による環境への影響)といった研究を確実に進めることが必要です。せっかく、建てた風車が地元で暮らす人々に受け入れられる形を日本でも模索していく必要があります。(t_t)
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