« 五島列島宇久島に、完成すれば日本一の規模となる合計設備容量100MWの風力発電所建設計画が進行中 | トップページ | ドイツの再生可能エネルギーアカデミーが研修生を受け入れ、再生可能エネルギーの技術移転のためのプログラムを開始 tree -transfer renewable energy & efficiency - »

MITソーラーカー、三輪のEleanorは巡航速度88km/時の高速車。10月の2009 World Solar Challengeに出場予定

 今年の秋に開催される2009 World Solar Challenge(25-31 Oct.2009)に出場予定ということで、その走りが注目されます。

News / MIT News Office,February 25, 2009
Sleek new MIT solar car heads to the races
-----image(”The new car, called "Eleanor," is taller than earlier versions and thus allows a much more comfortable upright seating position for the driver. With six square meters of monocrystalline silicon solar cells and improved electronic systems and design, the car can run all day on a sunny day at a steady cruising speed of 55 mph. Photo / Chris Pentacoff, MIT Solar Electric Vehicle Team”) : 同ニュースより

" MIT's Solar Electric Vehicle Team, the oldest such student team in the country, has just finished construction of its latest high-tech car and will be unveiling it to the public this Friday from 3 to 5 p.m. in Lobby 13.

The new car, called "Eleanor," is taller than earlier versions and thus allows a much more comfortable upright seating position for the driver, who was in an almost supine position in earlier models. But despite the 30 percent greater frontal area of the vehicle, the new car has exactly the same drag area -- a measure of its wind resistance -- as the team's older one, thanks to some very sophisticated aerodynamic design and wind-tunnel testing.

With six square meters of monocrystalline silicon solar cells and improved electronic systems and design, the car can run all day on a sunny day at a steady cruising speed of 55 mph. The car will be competing in October in the World Solar Challenge race across Australia, and in preparation for that the team plans to drive the car across the United States over the summer. About a dozen team members are expected to go to Australia for the race, although only four will drive the solar car in the competition.

.......... "

MIT solar electric vehicle team (sevt)
-----image : 上記ホームページ

Energy@MIT----- YouTube mittechtv,2009年01月22日

最高時速145キロ、MITのソーラーカー-----Wired Vision,2009年3月 2日

HONDA : World Solar Challenge 1996


 / GL-105 Ultra-Lightweight Marine Lithium Batteries
Gl105sized-----image : Genasun社 GL-105 Lithiumバッテリー
 / Solar Charge Controllers



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« 五島列島宇久島に、完成すれば日本一の規模となる合計設備容量100MWの風力発電所建設計画が進行中 | トップページ | ドイツの再生可能エネルギーアカデミーが研修生を受け入れ、再生可能エネルギーの技術移転のためのプログラムを開始 tree -transfer renewable energy & efficiency - »




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« 五島列島宇久島に、完成すれば日本一の規模となる合計設備容量100MWの風力発電所建設計画が進行中 | トップページ | ドイツの再生可能エネルギーアカデミーが研修生を受け入れ、再生可能エネルギーの技術移転のためのプログラムを開始 tree -transfer renewable energy & efficiency - »