プレスリリース / KYOCERA,March 24, 2009
・KYOCERA and TESSCO Announce Partnership to Launch and Distribute Standard Railroad Solar Power Systems
" Kyocera Solar, Inc. is pleased to announce that TESSCO Technologies Incorporated has become its official distribution partner for a new line of standard solar power systems targeted to the railroad market. Kyocera’s standard railroad solar power systems, RR 24/7, have undergone recent design enhancements providing even higher quality, ease of installation, and product performance longevity.With over 20 years of railroad product design and installation experience, Kyocera Solar, Inc. developed the RR 24/7 product line to meet the unique demands of the railroad industry. These upgraded systems come as part of Kyocera’s market initiative, “Sunlight to Service,” to provide quality off-grid solutions for the industrial market. Kyocera’s solar panels and all components of the RR 24/7 product line are UL certified, backed by warranty, and specifically designed and engineered to ensure the quality and performance of the product. "
・KYOCERA and TESSCO Announce Partnership to Launch and Distribute Standard Railroad Solar Power Systems-----TESSCO,03/24/09
-----image : TESSCO社商品資料”Railroad Solar Power Systems Kyocera's RR24/7 (Solar Power for Railroad...Made Simple)”より
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