« 吹くか、オバマ風 アメリカの風力エネルギー | トップページ | 独Fraunhofer ISEが、変換効率41.1%のマルチジャンクションタイプの開発に成功 »

吹くか、オバマ風2 アメリカの海洋エネルギー、波力・潮汐・潮流発電


MITの研究者が取り組むOWC(oscillating water column)は、波の圧力で棒が振動する力を利用して発電しようとするもので、潜在的には1kmの海岸線で100 から200MWもの発電量をもっているというもの。現状ではそれほど発電効率が良くはないが、改良は可能ということ。今後は、より大きな装置で実験し実用化を進めるということです。

クリッピング / MIT News Office,December 17, 2008
Catch the wave
Researchers eye clean energy possibilities along Portuguese coast

-----image(”Schematic of an oscillating water column. Waves enter through a subsurface opening into the chamber with air trapped above. The wave action causes the captured water column to move up and down, pushing the trapped air into an electricity-generating turbine. The turbine turns continuously, despite the changing direction of the air stream as the waves come in and out. ”) : 同リリースより。 MIT Energy Initiative

" MIT researchers are working with Portuguese colleagues to design a pilot-scale device that will capture significantly more of the energy in ocean waves than existing systems, and use it to power an electricity-generating turbine.

Wave energy is a large, widespread renewable resource that is environmentally benign and readily scalable. In some locations -- the northwestern coasts of the United States, the western coast of Scotland, and the southern tips of South America, Africa and Australia, for example -- a wave-absorbing device could theoretically generate 100 to 200 megawatts of electricity per kilometer of coastline. But designing a wave-capture system that can deal with the harsh, corrosive seawater environment, handle hourly, daily and seasonal variations in wave intensity, and continue to operate safely in stormy weather is difficult.
The Portuguese plan is to integrate the OWC plant into the head of a new breakwater at the mouth of the Douro River in Porto, a large city in northern Portugal. Ultimately, the installation will include three OWCs that together will generate 750 kilowatts -- roughly enough to power 750 homes. As a bonus, the plant's absorption of wave energy at the breakwater head will calm the waters in the area and reduce local erosion.
..... "


 さらに、以前何度か紹介したVortex Hydro Energyのシステムのほか、渦流による振動を利用して発電するシステムが注目を集めています。大規模なタービンでは、塩による腐食の問題を解決するのが大変だが、簡単な構造で発電できる渦流を生かした発電方法は、一定の発電効率が確保できた時点で本格的にデビューしてくる可能性もありそうです。

Vortex Hydro Energy
/ Markets

Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority : Detroit River Hydrokinetic Energy Project


University of Michigan College of Engineering Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratories / Facilities / Marine Renewable Energy Laboratory
-----image : 上記サイトキャプチャー画像

" The MRELab is dedicated to developing technology to harness the abundant, clean, and renewable marine energy in an environmentally sustainable way and at a competitive cost. The current focus of the MRELab is to study the underlying science ... "


U-M to tap Detroit River's current to create energy-----Detroit Free Press,JANUARY 13, 2009


海流がバーに当たり引起す渦巻きの振動をエネルギーに変換する新機軸の発電システム Vortex Hydro Energy-----ソフトエネルギー、2008/11/17

[ VIVACE Vortex ]


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« 吹くか、オバマ風 アメリカの風力エネルギー | トップページ | 独Fraunhofer ISEが、変換効率41.1%のマルチジャンクションタイプの開発に成功 »


T-Wave C.V. san~

Thank you for your coment.

>cean wave enrgy must be more attractive than it is considered by the people in the world.

I think so too.
By the way,which country do you

投稿: t_t | 2009/01/30 16:02

Ocean wave enrgy must be more attractive than it is considered by the people in the world. Since the wave energy is similar to electro-magnetic wave of the tele-communication use, it would become one of the major renewable energies if a new technology will be developed which works with the antenna principle appropriately.

投稿: T-Wave C.V. | 2009/01/29 10:29



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« 吹くか、オバマ風 アメリカの風力エネルギー | トップページ | 独Fraunhofer ISEが、変換効率41.1%のマルチジャンクションタイプの開発に成功 »