プレスリリース / Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A.,09/24/2008
・Largest Single-Roof Solar Installation In North America To Power Toyota Parts Center
" The largest single-roof solar power installation in North America will begin operation in early October at Toyota's North America Parts Center California (NAPCC), located in Ontario, Calif.-----SunPower Release,Sept 24, 2008-----GE Energy Financial Services : GE EFS-Funded Toyota Solar Project DebutsThe solar installation will provide nearly 60 percent of the total electricity requirements for the 760,000-square foot NAPCC. The installation covers more than 242,000 square-feet of the NAPCC's roof and includes 10,417 solar modules, enough to cover more than four football fields.
With a total capacity of 2.3 megawatts, the installation is capable of generating 3.7 million kilowatt hours of electricity annually, power that won't be drained from the electrical grid. The system also will avoid carbon dioxide emissions of about 6.4 million pounds annually, equivalent to the annual CO2 emissions from energy use of 255 homes.
The system was designed and built by SunPower, using its high-efficiency panels that deliver 50 percent more power per unit than conventional panels. A lightweight state-of-the-art SunPower mounting system further maximizes power delivery.
.......... "
September 24, 2008
・Toyota and SunPower Install Largest Single-Roof Solar Project in North America-----Clean Edge,September 26, 2008
北米トヨタがカリフォルニアの工場の屋根に採用した太陽電池は、SunPower社の太陽電池SunPower(R) T10 Solar Roof Tilesというものだということです。
・SunPower / Products & Services / Commercial Solar Roof Tiles
-----image(”SunPower T10 Solar Roof Tile ; The SunPower T10 Solar Roof Tile tilts at a 10-degree angle to increase energy capture.
Designed for fast and easy installation, T10 solar tiles are non-penetrating and lightweight, highly durable, resistant to high wind speeds up to 120 mph (193 km/h) and are uniquely flexible to adapt to virtually any flat rooftop or ground site. ”) : 上記サイトより
この太陽電池、屋根上用に開発されたもののようです。GE Energy Financial Servicesが仲介したシステムということで、同社が進めるアメリカでの大規模太陽光発電所システムのひとつとして、各社の工場や企業の施設の屋上にアピールしそうです。同社のプレスリリースをみると、再生可能エネルギーのビジネスにおいて、太陽電池はかなりの勢いを感じさせるものでした。(t_t)
・Southern California Edison Launches Nation’s Largest Solar Panel Installation / プレスリリース Edison International(カリフォルニアで1企業が世界最大の太陽光発電の設備を計画。合計、250MW!)-----ソフトエネルギー、2008/03/31
・Sunpower [YouTube : Sunpower(NASAHallmarkVideos,July 18, 2008)]
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・The Last Trillion Barrels-----EVWorld,September 27, 2008
" Non-OPEC oil production has peaked and OPEC production will follow around 2020, concludes Dr. Peter Wells.
It is to Dr. Wells and his group of petroleum geologists Toyota Motor Corporation has turned to help the giant Japanese carmaker better understand how much oil remains beneath the crust of the Earth. That information is vital in corporate and product planning because it helps set a time line for when the company will have to develop vehicles that use energy sources other than petroleum, as it becomes increasingly hard to find and expensive to produce. "
mixiのピークオイル トピックの注目の記事リンク集にトヨタの”勉強会”での上のような講演が紹介されていました。自動車会社が脱石油を考えるタイミングを考える上で貴重な情報だと思います。(t_t)
mixi : ピークオイル
投稿: 追加情報 The Last Trillion Barrels | 2008/10/02 17:31