« 太陽光発電、電力会社並みの料金単価は2015年がターゲット=三洋電 / クリッピング asahi.com | トップページ | 世界で”再”注目される地熱発電、何故日本は地熱を熱心にやらないの? »


 フロリダのFlorida Atlantic University(FAU)は、Florida Atlantic University's Center for Ocean Energy Technology を拠点とし、英国の研究機関と共同で、海洋エネルギーの利用に関する幅広い情報の共有と開発にむけての協力を進めることを発表しました。

プレスリリース / Florida Atlantic University(FAU),July 25, 2008
FAU Accompanies Florida Governor Charlie Crist on UK Trade Mission for Ocean Energy Research and Development

" Officials from Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and FAU’s Center for Ocean Energy Technology (COET) in the College of Engineering and Computer Science accompanied Florida Governor Charlie Crist on a recent visit to several universities and organizations in the United Kingdom to continue discussions, exchange information and formalize agreements in areas of clean ocean energy, environmental issues and climate change. The FAU/UK trip was part of a statewide business development mission which included nearly 100 university and business leaders. "

(via : RenewableEnergyWorld.com,2008/07/31 )


Wave-Powered Ocean Energy Technology



British Firm Announces World's Largest Tidal Power Development / プレスリリース Lunar Energy(韓国で世界最大の潮流発電所建設計画が始動)-----ソフトエネルギー、2008/03/21


----------ソフトエネルギー カテゴリー : 潮汐力・海流など海洋エネルギー ----------


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« 太陽光発電、電力会社並みの料金単価は2015年がターゲット=三洋電 / クリッピング asahi.com | トップページ | 世界で”再”注目される地熱発電、何故日本は地熱を熱心にやらないの? »


・US and New Zealand Launch Clean Energy Technology Partnership-----Clean Edge News,July 29, 2008
" The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Alexander Karsner and New Zealand's Ambassador to the U.S. Roy Ferguson recently signed terms of reference for the International Partnership for Energy Development in Island Nations (EDIN), an initiative to further the development of energy efficient and renewable energy technologies on island nations and territories. The initiative signals the commitment of the two countries to cooperate to enhance global energy security and address global climate change through the promotion of clean, renewable, sustainable energy technologies. The goal of EDIN is to achieve deployment of the maximum amount of renewable energy and energy efficiency possible for specific, measurable clean energy targets, such as providing 70 percent of primary energy from clean energy sources within one generation. EDIN partners will also work to facilitate the dissemination of clean energy technologies to less- developed island nations and territories.
.......... "


投稿: 追加情報 US and New Zealand Launch Clean Energy Technology Partnership | 2008/08/03 21:02



この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 米英の大学、研究機関、企業が海洋エネルギーの分野での共同研究を進めることを発表しました:

« 太陽光発電、電力会社並みの料金単価は2015年がターゲット=三洋電 / クリッピング asahi.com | トップページ | 世界で”再”注目される地熱発電、何故日本は地熱を熱心にやらないの? »