ここのところ世界の再生可能エネルギーの技術開発の情報は本当に豊富で充実したものになってきました。国や企業が、総力をあげてエネルギー問題に取り組む現状においては、世界のエネルギーの数割をまかなう可能性のある再生可能エネルギーの存在感は日ごとに増しているという気がします。今回は、Renewable Energy Worldのニュースの中に発見したまるで巨大な海蛇のように柔軟な動きで泳ぐように発電する波力発電システムアナコンダ、Anacondaについてリンクをたどって、詳しく見てみることにします。
・"Anaconda" Could Provide up to 20 MW of Wave Energy-----Renewable Energy World,2008/07/15
プレスリリース / Engineergin and Physical Sciences Reserch Council ,3 July 2008
・Rubber 'Snake' Could Help Wave Power Get a Bite of the Energy Market[http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/PressReleases/RubberSnakeCouldHelpWavePowerGetaBiteofEnergyMarket.htm リンク切れ]
-----image(”Computer simulation of how the Anaconda would look out at sea.”):同リリースより
" A device consisting of a giant rubber tube may hold the key to producing affordable electricity from the energy in sea waves.Invented in the UK, the 'Anaconda' is a totally innovative wave energy concept. Its ultra-simple design means it would be cheap to manufacture and maintain, enabling it to produce clean electricity at lower cost than other types of wave energy converter. Cost has been a key barrier to deployment of such converters to date.
-----image(”The Anaconda device could be used in groups of 20 or more.”):同リリースより
Named after the snake of the same name because of its long thin shape, the Anaconda is closed at both ends and filled completely with water. It is designed to be anchored just below the sea's surface, with one end facing the oncoming waves.A wave hitting the end squeezes it and causes a 'bulge wave'* to form inside the tube. As the bulge wave runs through the tube, the initial sea wave that caused it runs along the outside of the tube at the same speed, squeezing the tube more and more and causing the bulge wave to get bigger and bigger. The bulge wave then turns a turbine fitted at the far end of the device and the power produced is fed to shore via a cable.
Because it is made of rubber, the Anaconda is much lighter than other wave energy devices (which are primarily made of metal) and dispenses with the need for hydraulic rams, hinges and articulated joints. This reduces capital and maintenance costs and scope for breakdowns. "
Giant rubber snake could be the future of wave power
・Checkmate Seaenergy / Downloads & Links
・Carbon Trust : Marine Energy Accelerator
・Scotland seeks world lead in marine power / プレスリリース Scottish Executive(スコットランドの海流発電計画-----ソフトエネルギー、2007/03/06
----------ソフトエネルギー カテゴリー : 潮汐力・海流など海洋エネルギー ----------
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