"Posted by Martin Roscheisen, CEO
As we are busy ramping our operation, we almost forgot to recognize achieving a major milestone in solar technology: The solar industry’s first 1GW production tool. Here it is:
Most production tools in the solar industry tend to have 10-30MW in annual production capacity. How is it possible to have a single tool with Gigawatt throughput?
This feat is fundamentally enabled through the proprietary nanoparticle ink we have invested so many years developing. It allows us to deliver efficient solar cells (presently up to more than 14%) that are simply printed.
Printing is a simple, fast, and robust coating process that in particular eliminates the need for expensive high-vacuum chambers and the kinds of high-vacuum based deposition techniques from industries where there’s a lot more $/sqm available for competitive manufacturing cost.
Our 1GW CIGS coater cost $1.65 million. At the 100 feet-per-minute speed shown in the video, that’s an astonishing two orders of magnitude more capital efficient than a high-vacuum process: a twenty times slower high-vacuum tool would have cost about ten times as much per tool.
Plus if we cared to run it even faster, we could. (The same coating technique works in principle for speeds up to 2000 feet-per-minute too. In fact, it turns out the faster we run, the better the coating!)
..........そして理研・JASRI・JSTの研究グループは、精密な分子配列構造の解析に挑みました。適切な温度条件で処理したところ、分子が自発的に配列して液晶※9状態を形成し、オリゴチオフェン部位(疎水性)とフラーレン部位(親水性)が相分離して層構造を形成している様子を、SPring-8 の放射光による小角X線散乱測定※10で明らかにしました。さらには、親水性と疎水性の側鎖を導入しない場合と比べ、光導電性が約10倍大きくなることを見いだしました。本研究成果は、米国化学会誌『Journal of the American Chemical Society』に掲載されるに先立ち、オンライン版に近日掲載予定です。
2. 研究手法と成果
Napa Valley wine producer Far Niente has gone live with its Floatovoltaic® solar array, the first-ever system and technology of its kind in the solar industry. The Floatovoltaic® installation, designed and installed by SPG Solar, Inc. of Novato, Calif., with technology developed by Thompson Technology Industries, Inc. (TTi) of Novato, Calif., creatively couples photovoltaic (PV) energy with water, saving valuable vineyard acreage from being sacrificed for land-mounted arrays.
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