世界のクリーンエネルギー市場 40%増7.8兆円規模に / クリッピング 東京新聞
" 風力やバイオ燃料、太陽光発電などのクリーンエネルギー業界の世界市場規模は二〇〇七年に前年比40%も成長し、七百七十億ドル(約七兆八千億円)超に達したとの調査結果を、米国の調査会社クリーン・エッジ(オレゴン州)が五日、明らかにした。 "-----東京新聞、2008年4月6日
Reports / Clean Edge 2008 March
・Clean-Energy Trends 2008
----- image(pop up ) : Clean-Energy Trends 2008カバー
Clean Edge, which has been tracking the growth of clean-energy markets since 2000, reports a 40 percent increase in revenue growth for solar photovoltaics, wind, biofuels, and fuel cells in 2007, up from $55 billion in 2006 to $77.3 billion in 2007. For the first time, three of these are generating revenue in excess of $20 billion apiece, with wind now exceeding $30 billion. New global investments in energy technologies?including venture capital, project finance, public markets, and research and development?have expanded by 60 percent from $92.6 billion in 2006 to $148.4 billion in 2007, according to research firm New Energy Finance.
According to Clean Edge research:Biofuels (global production and wholesale pricing of ethanol and biodiesel) reached $25.4 billion in 2007 and are projected to grow to $81.1 billion by 2017. In 2007 the global biofuels market consisted of more than 13 billion gallons of ethanol and 2 billion gallons of biodiesel production worldwide.
Wind power (new installation capital costs) is projected to expand from $30.1 billion in 2007 to $83.4 billion in 2017. Last year's global wind power installations reached a record 20,000 MW, equivalent to 20 large-size 1 GW conventional power plants.
Solar photovoltaics (including modules, system components, and installation) will grow from a $20.3 billion industry in 2007 to $74 billion by 2017. Annual installations were just shy of 3 GW worldwide, up nearly 500 percent from just four years earlier.
The fuel cell and distributed hydrogen market will grow from a $1.5 billion industry (primarily for research contracts and demonstration and test units) to $16 billion over the next decade.Together, we project these four benchmark technologies, which equaled $55.4 billion in 2006 and expanded 40 percent to $77.3 billion in 2007, to grow to $254.5 billion within a decade.
U.S Venture Capital Continues to Grow and Grow
U.S.-based venture capital investments in energy technologies more than quadrupled from $599 million in 2000 to $2.7 billion in 2007, according to New Energy Finance (with supporting data from Clean Edge and Nth Power). As a percent of total VC investments, energy tech increased from .6 percent in 2000 to 9.1 percent in 2007. Between 2006 and 2007, venture investments in the U.S. clean-energy sector increased by more than 70 percent.
Download full report | Charts and tables "
Clean Edgeの2008年のリポートがリリースされました。A4版22ページで、上記サイトからダウンロードできます。詳しくは、記事やリポートを読んでいただくとして、今回のリポートによれば、2017年の再生可能エネルギーの市場規模は、現在の3倍以上の2500億ドル以上の規模に達するということです。このぐらいまでの間に、再生エネルギー業界の各企業の趨勢も決まっているのでしょうね。新しい方式の発電方法など、どんな形態になっているのか、、、楽しみです。(t_t)
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