Konarka Announces First-Ever Demonstration of Inkjet Printed Solar Cells / プレスリリース Konarka Technologies(インクジェットプリンターの技術で太陽電池を開発中)
" Breakthrough Development of Manufactured Solar Cells by Inkjet Printing Positions Konarka asEmerging Leader in Printed Photovoltaics Konarka Technologies, Inc., an innovator in development and commercialization of Power PlasticR, a material that converts light to energy, today announced the company successfully conducted the first-ever demonstration of manufacturing solar cells by highly efficient inkjet printing. The company discusses and analyzes the performance of highly efficient inkjet printed organic bulk heterojunction solar cells in a paper recently published in Advanced Materials, entitled, “High Photovoltaic Performance of Inkjet Printed Polymer:Fullerene Blends” by Dr. Stelios A. Choulis, Claudia N. Hoth, Dr. Pavel Schilinsky and Dr. Christoph J. Brabec, all of Konarka.-----Konarka Technologies,Mar. 4, 2008“Demonstrating the use of inkjet printing technology as a fabrication tool for highly efficient solar cells and sensors with small area requirements is a major milestone,” commented Rick Hess, president and CEO at Konarka. “This essential breakthrough in the field of printed solar cells positions Konarka as an emerging leader in printed photovoltaics.” "
・Print Solar Cells With an Inkjet Printer-----Inhabitat,March 10, 2008
・コニカミノルタ、有機薄膜太陽電池の米コナルカテクノロジー Konarka Technologiesと資本・業務提携-----ソフトエネルギー、2010/03/04
・Konarka to Develop Photovoltaic Fabric With Leading Swiss University / プレスリリース Konarka Technologies----ソフトエネルギー、2005/02/21
プリンターで太陽電池が作れるということで話題になったKonarka Technologies社。最近は音沙汰内と思っていたら、”インクジェット・プリンター”、マイクロドット方式の膜面形成といことでしょうか、、、、しかし、当初の話題になった時期からすでに3年。なかなか、製品化は大変なようです。
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