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U.S. Department of Energy to Invest up to $33.8 Million to Further Development of Commercially Viable Renewable Fuels / プレスリリース DOE(米、セルロース系のバイオ燃料など次世代にも傾注)

" U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Andy Karsner today announced that DOE will invest up to $33.8 million, over four years, (Fiscal Years 2008-2011) for four projects that will focus on developing improved enzyme systems to convert cellulosic material into sugars suitable for production of biofuels. Building on President Bush’s goal of making cellulosic ethanol cost-competitive by 2012, these projects aim to address key technical hurdles associated with mass production of clean, renewable fuels, such as cellulosic ethanol. Combined with industry cost share, up to $70 million will be invested in these projects, with a minimum 50 percent cost share from industry. Assistant Secretary Karsner made today’s announcement while delivering keynote remarks at the Renewable Fuels Association National Ethanol Conference in Orlando, Florida. .......... Cellulosic ethanol is a renewable fuel made from a wide variety of non-food materials, including agricultural wastes such as corn stover and cereal straws, industrial plant waste like saw dust and paper pulp, and energy crops such as switchgrass, specifically for fuel production. By relying on a variety of feedstocks, cellulosic ethanol can be produced in nearly every region of the country, using material grown locally. Though it requires a more complex refining process, cellulosic ethanol contains more net energy and results in lower greenhouse emissions than traditional corn-based ethanol. .......... ”Biofuels: Myths vs. Facts”Fact Sheet Biofuels & Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Myths versus Facts .......... MYTH: In terms of emissions, biofuels emit the same amount as gasoline or more. FACT: Biofuels burn cleaner than gasoline, resulting in fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and are fully biodegradable, unlike some fuel additives. Cellulosic ethanol has the potential to cut greenhouse gas emissions by up to 86%. . Ethanol readily biodegrades without harm to the environment, and is a safe, high-performance replacement for fuel additives such as MTBE. . Use of ethanol can increase emissions of some air pollutants because fossil energy is used during the farming of biomass crops and during biofuel production. These emissions can be reduced by using renewable power and improved farming methods. .......... MYTH: Ethanol cannot be produced from corn in large enough quantities to make a real difference without disrupting food and feed supplies. .......... MYTH: Ethanol gasoline blends can lower fuel economy and may harm your engine. .......... MYTH: More energy goes into producing ethanol than it delivers as a fuel. .......... "
-----U.S. Department of Energy,February 26, 2008-----Energy Efficinecy and Renewable Energy(EERE),February 26, 2008 Factsheet_doe -----image(pop up) & text : リリース添付書類”Biofuels: Myths vs. Facts”Fact Sheetより

DOE's Biomass Program



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この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: U.S. Department of Energy to Invest up to $33.8 Million to Further Development of Commercially Viable Renewable Fuels / プレスリリース DOE(米、セルロース系のバイオ燃料など次世代にも傾注):

« 大面積・高性能プラスチック太陽電池素子開発に成功 / プレスリリース 昭和電工 | トップページ | 次世代電力用キャパシタに向けた要素技術を開発 / プレスリリース 三菱電機 »