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-----image(pop up ; サイトのキャプチャー画像) & text : PowerUp The Game

" If any one out there is listening, Planet Helios is being destroyed and we need your help!

Hundreds of years ago the nations of our planet realized that the side effects from burning fossil fuels for energy were damaging the atmosphere and changing the climate. They joined together to develop and build technologies to create electricity from available renewable energy resources like wind, sun and water power. Meanwhile the planet's citizens?our ancestors? pulled together and pledged to use less energy. This ushered in a Golden Age of energy balance and ecological harmony.
Play PowerUp today and prove it's NOT too late! Join the other brave volunteers who are heeding the distress call! You'll come from far and wide to work together putting your skills to the test in some of the most extreme environments imaginable and the stakes are high ? life and death!

Product at a glance
Players: 1+ (up to 6 per mission and 50 per planet)
Resolution: 1024x768
Developed by: IBM in partnership with TryScience/New York Hall of Science
Processor: Pentium IV 2 Ghz or better
Graphics Card: ATI or Nvidia with Directx 9 .1 support
Video RAM: 64 Mb
System RAM: 1Gb
Hard Drive Storage: 300
Broadband Internet connection
Mouse recommended "

IBM Launches PowerUp 3D Game

IBM thinks renewable energy is a game-----CleanTech,February 15, 2008




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« 都留市の発電用水車金賞 / クリッピング YOMIURI ONLINE | トップページ | 世界の風力発電27%増/昨年、大型原発15基分 / クリッピング 四国新聞社 »




この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 荒廃し破滅の危機にある惑星ヘリオスを救え----IBM、ゲームで再生可能エネルギーをアピール:

« 都留市の発電用水車金賞 / クリッピング YOMIURI ONLINE | トップページ | 世界の風力発電27%増/昨年、大型原発15基分 / クリッピング 四国新聞社 »