プレスリリース / European commission,23/01/2008
・Building a global low-carbon economy
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" Commission tables ambitious proposals to fight climate change and promote renewable energy in line with EU commitments.
The EU agreed on ambitious carbon cuts last year. Now it needs to follow through with action to meet the targets ? and benefit the economy too. Hence the proposals unveiled on 23 January."This week the European commission will move to turn the European Union's commitments into concrete action," president Barroso said. "Tackling climate change is crucial to safeguard the future of our planet. It also brings major new opportunities for Europe. The time has come to seize them with confidence, and with both hands."
The proposed measures include:
an improved emissions trading system (ETS) covering more emissions and allowing firms in one EU country to buy allowances in any other
an emission reduction target for industries not covered by the ETS (e.g. buildings, transport, waste) so that everyone is contributing
legally enforceable targets for increasing the share of renewables in the energy mix ? the targets will reflect each country's individual needs and its potential
new rules on carbon capture and storage and on environmental subsidies.
Last March, EU leaders endorsed commission proposals to cut CO2 emissions by at least 20% by 2020 (30% if global targets can be agreed on) and to set a binding 20% target for the use of renewable energy sources. The overall goal is to cap global temperature increases at 2°C.The proposals aim at a more environment-friendly Europe. But they will also help create a more industry-friendly, jobs-friendly, and consumer-friendly EU.
The commission hopes to see the package adopted by the end of 2008. "
プレスリリース / EUROPA,10/01/2007
・Commission proposes an integrated energy and climate change package to cut emissions for the 21st Century
プレスリリース2 / EUROPA,22/11/2007
・European Commission proposes a plan to accelerate energy technologies for a low-carbon future
キードキュメント / EUROPA,22/11/2007
・Joint impact assessment on the package of implementation measures for the EU's objectives on climate change and renewable energy for 2020(pdf書類)
・再生可能エネルギー目標: 欧州委員会、加盟国に協力強化を呼びかける-----駐日欧州連合代表部、2011/01/31
・エネルギーロードマップ2050: 安定した、競争力のある、低炭素エネルギーセクターの実現は可能-----駐日欧州連合代表部、2011/12/15
・EU faces tough climate change road-----BBC News,23 January 2008
・EU aims for moral high ground with swingeing climate change package-----Guardian Unlimited,
" ・ Blueprint's binding targets for 27 member countries
・ Brussels wants deal with US, China and India
Graphic: new EU renewable energy targets for 2020
”Renewable energy in the EU
By 2020 renewable energy should
account for 20% of the EU's final energy
consumption (8,5% in 2005). To meet
this common target, each Member State
needs to increase its production and use
of renewable energy in electricity, ” "
・EU、温暖化対策で年間9兆円超-----NIKKEI NET,2008/1/23
この事情は、いろいろなメディアでいろいろと取りざたされているので、興味のある方は御自分でどうぞ。ただ、上の関連記事報道の中で、Guardian Unlimitedの記事の頭にリンクが張られている、”new EU renewable energy targets for 2020”を見ながら、各国の経済の状態や国のなりたちを照らし合わせてみると、その事情がうっすらと浮かんできます。(t_t)
・CO2など2020年までに20%削減 EUが目標 / クリッピングソフトエネルギー、2007/01/11
・IPCC chief disappointed by EU climate change,January 23, 2008
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