ノルウェーの浸透膜発電計画 Osmosis Power
ノルウェーで新しい発想に基づく淡水と海水の塩分濃度の差を利用し浸透膜により圧力を得るという浸透膜発電 : Osmosis Power Plantという発電所建設計画が進行中。
この情報を最初に掲載したと思われるAFP BB Newsには、解説のための図が掲載されています。
・ノルウェーの再生可能エネルギー-----AFP BB News,2007年11月13日
" 図は、ノルウェーの再生可能エネルギー計画を図解したもの。河川水が海水と混ざる際のエネルギーを利用する。 "
-----image(pop up ) & text: Statkraft's magazine Fossekallen.Fossekallen nr. 3-2007 p.13より
The first prototype osmotic power plant in the world is to be built close to the Oslofjord. At the same time, efforts are to be increased to develop the technology in which Statkraft already is a world leader.
Osmotic power is clean energy, and calculations indicate that the technology has the potential to make an annual contribution of approximately 1,600 TWh worldwide. This is 13 times as much power as is generated by Norwegian hydropower plants every year.FACT FILE: OSMOTIC POWER
. Osmotic power generation utilises the osmotic pressure difference between fresh water and sea water.
. Energy production from osmotic power is stable and predictable.
. The technical potential for osmotic power in Norway is estimated at 12 TWh.
. Osmotic power is an environmentfriendly source of energy: it generates no emissions of CO2, has limited local environmental impact, and requires little space.
. Osmotic power has potential for green certificates.
. It is expected that osmotic power will be ready for commercialisation before 2015.
The principle behind osmotic power is the natural phenomenon of osmosis. The input factors in an osmotic power plant are sea water and fresh water, which are separated by a membrane. The fresh water will permeate into the sea water through the membrane,generating a pressure that can be used to generate power.
“After ten years of research and development, we believe the time is ripe to build the first prototype of an osmotic power plant. This entails an increase in our focus on and investments in the development of the technology. With this decision, we will be investing more than NOK 100 million in developing a new, renewable energy technology,” explains Sverre Gotaas, VP Innovation at Statkraft.
........... "
The PRO concept
-----image(pop up) & text : 同サイトより
"..........Typical membrane performance should be in the range of 4 - 6 W/m2.The brackish water (dark blue) from the membrane module is split in two flows. About 1/3 of the water goes to the turbine to generate power. 2/3 return to the pressure exchanger to pressurise the feed of seawater. To optimise the power plant the typical operating pressure is in the range of 11 ? 15 bars. This is equivalent to a water head of 100 ? 145 metres in a hydropower plant, generating about 1 MW/ m3s freshwater. The freshwater feed operates at ambient pressure.
Some pre-treatment of the water is necessary. Experience from Norwegian water treatment plants shows that mechanical filtration down to 50 um in combination with a standard cleaning and maintenance cycle is enough to sustain the membrane performance for 7 ? 10 years. Similar lifetime data are assumed for osmotic power plants. "
(Statkraft : Osmotic power / Osmotic power in brief How does it work?
Osmotic power : http://www.statkraft.com/Images/Faktaark%20OSMOTIC%20ENG_tcm4-7797.pdf " Statkraft has been developing osmotic power since 1997, and most of the conceptual challenges have been identified. All the aquired technology is in use in the water treatment industry today. Statkraft has focused its efforts on membrane development and has achieved an increase in power generation from less than 0.1 W/m2 to almost 3 W/m2. Commercial operation requires a membrane performance of 5 W/m2. " )
・Norway to generate power from sea water plant-----businessGreen blog,2007/10
・Norway to generate power from sea water plant-----Accountancy Age,09 Oct 2007
この浸透膜発電 : Osmosis Power Plantに利用されている膜面技術は、”たぶん”海水を利用して淡水を作る際に発電所や工場でも利用されている技術に見えます。あとは、膜面の効率とかメンテナンスなどのコストの問題が解決されれば海に面していて淡水も豊富でいつも海水に流れ込んでいるような土地、まさに日本!-----などには適した発電方法に思えます。期待大です。(t_t)
・日東電工、ノルウェーのスタットクラフト Statkraft と浸透膜発電 Osmotic Power の共同技術開発契約を締結-----ソフトエネルギー、2011/06/27
・ノルウェーで世界初の浸透膜発電(osmotic power)の実証プラントが稼働-----ソフトエネルギー、2009/11/30
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