IEA PPSPが太陽光発電のリポート" Trends in photovoltaic applications "を発行
IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme / Trends in photovoltaic applications. Survey report of selected IEA countries between 1992 and 2006
" This report presents the results of the eleventh international survey. It provides an overview of PV power systems applications and markets in the reporting countries at the end of 2006 and analyzes trends in the implementation of PV power systems between 1992 and 2006.Contents
Introduction 2
1 Implementation of PV systems 3
2 The PV industry 21
3 Policy and regulatory framework for deployment 28
4 Summary of trends 33
PV technology note 36 "
・IEA on trends in photovoltaic applications: production of solar PV cells increased by 27 % -----Solarserver -Solar News Archive,2007-10-22
-----image: Trends in photovoltaic applications. Survey report of selected IEA countries between 1992 and 2006 P.5の一部をキャプチャー。(t_t)
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