「2016年までに25%の電力は自社発電で賄う」、BTが風力発電所計画 / クリッピング ITpro
" 英BTは、同社が英国で必要とする電力のうち、2016年までに最大25%を自社発電することを目標とした、集合型風力発電所(ウインドファーム)の建設計画を発表した。 "-----ITpro,2007/10/25
プレスリリース / BT,October 18, 2007
・BT announces major wind power plans
" BT today unveiled plans to develop wind farms aimed at generating up to 25 per cent of its existing UK electricity requirements by 2016. The wind farm scheme represents the UK's biggest corporate wind power project outside of the energy sector.The project, costing up to £250m, will bring together third party funding and renewable energy partners to safeguard future supplies of clean, green energy for BT as part of the company’s strategy to reduce carbon emissions.
BT is one of Britain’s biggest consumers of electricity, with an annual requirement of around 0.7 per cent of the UK’s entire consumption. BT’s wind farms could generate a total of 250MW of electricity ? enough to meet the power needs of 122,000 homes or a city the size of Coventry. This would prevent the release of 500,000 tonnes of CO2 each year compared with coal generation ? equivalent to a quarter of a million return air trips to New York. "
-----Sustainability Report : Renewable energy
・BT gets behind renewable energy-----BBC News,13 October, 2004
BTは、British Telecomのことだそうです。イギリスの世界でもっとも歴史のある通信会社である同社が、実際に風力発電施設を建設し、省エネの努力もし、そして気候変動についての啓蒙活動をユーザー、一般にも呼びかけています。
・BT Live Lightly - Let's make a better world
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