「G8、温暖化ガス半減検討で合意 」という今回のハイリゲンダム(Heiligendamm)サミットの結果をうけて、GLOBAL WIND ENERGY COUNCIL(GWEC)は歓迎の意を表明した。今年に入って、世界の風力発電関連の団体、業界は、次々と意欲的で明るい風力発電の将来について発表しているが、さらに世界が今後検討することに合意した温暖化効果ガスの大幅な削減が、さらなる追い風となることは間違いないということだ。
プレスリリース / GWEC,07/06/2007
・G8 climate compromise welcomed by global wind industry
" The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) has welcomed the outcome of today’s G8 Summit on combating climate change. While the deal falls behind the ambitions of the EU, Canada and Japan, as well as the German government who hosted the meeting, it does send a clear signal that all G8 governments agree on the urgent need to fight climate change. "
5月にGWECが発表した、最新のGWEC report(2006年版)によれば、2010年まで世界の風力発電は、毎年平均19%増しを続けるという予測を現実の業界の動きを織り込んで発表しています。
・International wind markets expected to grow by an average of 19% per year up to 2010, according to latest GWEC report-----GWEC,11 / 05 / 2007
-----image : cover”gwec-2006_final.pdf”-----
" P.42 Japanより
.....However, the law has a number of weaknesses, including a very low target (almost one tenth of Germany’s), the inclusion of electricity generated by waste incineration as “renewable” and insuffi cient market incentives. Apart from the RPS, the Japanese wind industry also benefi ts from the government’s initial subsidies such as the Field Test and New Energy Business Support Programmes.
The wind power capacity has increased very fast in the past ten yeas. However, the sector has experienced a slowdown over the last few years, mainly due to Japan’s severe weather conditions. The country has a history of typhoon attacks that fl ew down turbines, coupled with lightning incidents, strong gusts and high turbulence, mostly in the mountainous regions.
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